Followed by 100 Tea Drinkers

Michelle 116 followers

I started drinking more tea about 10 years ago when I found that even my half...

Veronica 268 followers

Tea obsessed since 2010. My Rating System: 100-95 = Teas I actively seek out ...

TheKesser 113 followers

Updated Sept. 2021 I’m a 30-something-year-old writer. I finished my first no...

Kittenna 633 followers

I have always been a tea fan (primarily herbals and Japanese greens/oolongs) ...

Crowkettle 306 followers

I started my Steepster loose leaf adventure back in 2012. I can’t say I’m com...

J.Lin (Nina Lin) 1 followers

Certified tea taster. Owner of Fong Mong Tea Shop.

Emilie 213 followers

I’ve lived in Hawaii, Mississippi, Colorado, Maryland, Texas, California, and...

jLteaco 125 followers

Dear tea lovers, Please be informed that we moved from to j...

mrmopar 776 followers

tperez 237 followers

Tea addict since around 2011. My favorites are pu’erhs, blacks/reds, and roas...



Since I discovered Teavana’s Monkey Picked Oolong four years ago, I’ve been fascinated by loose-leaf tea. I’m glad to say that my oolong tastes have evolved, and that I now like nearly every tea that comes from Taiwan, oolong or not, particularly the bug-bitten varieties. I also find myself drinking Yunnan blacks and Darjeelings from time to time, as well as a few other curiosities.

However, while online reviews might make me feel like an expert, I know that I still have some work to do to actually pick up those flavours myself. I hope that by making me describe what I’m tasting, Steepster can improve my appreciation of teas I already enjoy and make me more open to new possibilities (maybe even puerh!).



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