Received this in a swap from Courtney. Thanks so much. This was one of the first teas I ever put on my steepster wishlist.

The dry tea smells super delicious. Sweet and creamy, thick, foamy rootbeer. Unfortunately, the brewed tea does not live up to the deliciousness of the smell. I love root beer, I will lean towards more of an A and W rootbeer or a sasparilla vs. a Barqs, but its all good. I have also tried many a rootbeer tea.

This one is ok. It is quite flat in taste. There is none of that spark that rootbeer usually has. It seems to have some root, but not so much beer. I did add a few lumps of rock sugar, but it seemed to sweeten the tea only minimally. Maybe it needed much more. There is some thickness to the tea. It is not terribly creamy but there is a distinct vanilla taste. It is much more rootbeer-like after it cools. I do have a cup cold brewing as I type, for later today.

I have tried other S & V teas before, and the black tea base just doesn’t seem to work for me.

Thanks so much Courtney for letting me try this tea.

This was my first tasting note in the new format, and I don’t like it. Call me a grumpy, old fashioned steepsterite, but it just seemed quite complicated to write what should bave been a quick note. I also don’t like how complicated it is to try to review your note immediately after saving it. Just show it to me all at one time.

Jeez…I apparently have not had enough tea today :)

Edit: I made this as a cold brew. It brewed for about 6 hours. 1.5 tsp in 10 oz of water. I added about 1 tsp of white sugar. I also made this as a tea soda by adding about 1/2 cup of Perrier. It is ok. Better cold than hot. There is strong vanilla and a very bite-y rootbeer taste. It is quite watered down but I anticipated that due to the steeping parameters I used and adding the Perrier.

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 6 OZ / 177 ML

Aw sorry this one didn’t work out so well.


That’s ok. It is always worth it to try a tea. You never know until you try. I am obviously a bit of a rootbeer snob so it was probably me and not the tea. :)

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Aw sorry this one didn’t work out so well.


That’s ok. It is always worth it to try a tea. You never know until you try. I am obviously a bit of a rootbeer snob so it was probably me and not the tea. :)

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I am a lifetime tea lover.

I did foray into the world of coffee for a period of time, but I returned to my true love. I still, however, enjoy a good cup of java.

My all time favorite tea is Earl Grey, which I drink every morning, the stronger the bergamot the better. I definitely prefer natural oil of bergamot to artificial flavouring.

I mostly like black and dark oolong teas. My current favs are Fujian blacks, Keemun and Assams, and Wuyi oolongs. I gravitate towards anything with lychee in it. I also drink a lot of herbal blends but am wary of hibiscus. I do not favour mate, or pu’erh tea, although I have found a few blends that I like. (I so badly want to like straight pu’erh tea but it all tastes gross to me. I keep trying though). Rooibos, green and white teas fall somewhere in the middle. I find myself gravitating towards heavily roasted oolongs and teas from Paris/France based companies.

I love iced teas and cold brews.

My current tea goal is to make the perfect cup of chai from scratch – almost there…I think.

I am in love with the whole experience of tea.


Saskatchewan, CANADA

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