This one is totally hitting the spot.
I have been having one of those days where I am kind of hungry and keep eating but nothing is satisfying me. I have mostly been eating the Halloween Candy in the house that doesn’t seem like it is going to make it to Halloween :)
I started craving soup, but homemade soup. I neither have the ingredients nor the patience to make a big pot of homemade soup right now. So after drinking a few other teas, I settled on this one. It is savory, the slightest bit salty. It is full bodied and thick. There is a taste of sweet, ripe and savory tomatoes but it is not overpowering. More like tomato flakes not tomato paste. I feel like I am in Willy Wonka’s factory and I am having a piece of chewing gum that is really a 4 course meal!! I am hoping I don’t end up as a blueberry.
I had this one today too! Perfect for the chilly weather!