I actually did not intend to buy this tea. But I wasn’t paying attention and this is what I came home with.
This tea smells very sharp. There is definitely an almond smell. I would describe this tea as candied almond. There are small pieces of chopped up almond in the mix. The brewed tea smells like sweet almond. I almost get a hint of Granny Smith green apples.
The tea tastes strongly of rooibos. There is a sweetness from the rooibos. There is also an almond taste. Very slightly like marzipan but not quite. I get that little bit of apple flavour in the aftertaste.
Overall an ok tea for a rooibos blend, not what I wanted but I guess I should be paying more attention next time. Its like I get into a tea store and can’t even focus…there is too much to see and smell and I just want, want, WANT…ha ha. I think it is safe to say that is a common occurrence for most of us… :P
Lol, I always get carried away in tea shops, and Cuppa is no exception!