I am pretty sure this is the same as the Metropolitan Tea Company Tea but I am not sure as the website doesn’t have a description up yet.
I bought this one based on smell. There was no ingredients listed on the jar. It smelled like a sweet black tea, kind of spicey like a chai. But not super chai or anything.
I did not realize, there must be chocolate in this tea. I am not a huge chocolate tea fan, but I can handle some blends. This tea has a chocolately taste. Reminds me more of rocky road. It is quite sweet because there are sprinkles in it. There are fall spices, cinnamon. Not a lot of cardamom like would be in chai.
Overall an ok blend. I like the name of the tea more than the tea itself. Ha ha. It got a bit bitter towards the end of the cup, but I also let it steep longer than usual because I forgot about it. Oops.