Sil was drinking this and made a comment on icing it. I have tried it hot and cold brewed but have never actually tried it iced. I did try it using a cold drip method and that did not turn out very well.
I brewed 6 tsp in 2 cups water. Then filled the 2 quart pitcher with ice and let it melt. The tea turned out a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles slime green colour. The tea tastes strongly of sweet grassy green tea. There are light notes of strawberry and slight candy like sweetness underneath the green tea. The sweet grass flavour reminds me of summer very much. I feel like I don’t actually taste anything while the tea is in my mouth. Just a light green tea taste. Then the real taste kicks in after I swallow. This one is actually quite nice iced. It is better iced than cold brewed.
Thanks Sil, for reminding me how to brew up my own teas. He he.
LOL happy to help!