I have been waiting to try this one. I was holding off for some reason, not sure, delayed gratification maybe.
Anyway, the dry matcha smells DELICIOUS! It smells of generic cola, my favorite flavour. I could barely wait to try it, but it was bedtime by the time I opened the package so had to wait until today. Smells very much like cola flavoured candies. I made this one cold shaken for work. I put the matcha mix and a bit of white sugar in my glass water container at home, then added the water at work. The taste is a bit disappointing considering the smell. There is still a cola taste but it is not quite there. It is like you are waiting for the taste to hit and you can feel it coming but it never does. I am going to experiment with some different sweeteners because I think that could help bring out the taste.
Edit: OK so I read a bunch of reviews on this after I drank it. First of all, just to point out, this was robust flavouring. I think I need to try a bit more matcha in the mix. I used 1/2 tsp per 8 oz, which is my norm for Red Leaf matches, but I think I need to try 1tsp. And it seems that most people did not add sweetener, so I will have to try that and keep you posted.