The combination of work and school has been keeping me extremely busy, and because of this my tea drinking and reviewing has fallen through the cracks a little bit. But on the bright side of things, it makes every cup of tea I get to have a little more rewarding.
I picked this up along with Florence and Boston also from Harney, and I was so disappointed with those two that I’m not even going to take the time to write a review about them. This one is a basic blend but it’s very good for what it is. It’s smooth, bready and a little malty with the faintest hints of smoke and chocolate sweetness in the background. Just a nice comfort cup.
I’ve got LOTS more tea on the way. I blew the majority of my first paycheck on tea, spending about $250 altogether on teas from Butiki, Mandala, and Verdant as well as a competition tasting set from Rishi. These things are my reward, and man they’re gonna taste so sweet.
Anyway, just thought I’d pop my head back into the Steepster world for a bit, catch ya later!
You are going to have a great time!