I put roughly 5 teaspoons of mix to steep into 1 litre/35 oz of cold water for approx 22 hours. The result is a pink/red liquid (watermelon coloured) that has a sweet, refreshing yet tart fruit scent. Very dragon fruity.
Flavour is very sweet with a slight tart after taste but liquid is quite thick and sugar syrup like. Similar to some instant iced tea mixes I’ve had before (I think they were Lipton). My cup even has some sort of white sugar like substance on the bottom, if I hadn’t known it was a fruit mix my guess would have been instant blend. Despite that though this is very nice, the flavour is nice, clean and refreshing yet it has enough sweetness to work well as an iced tea and a pinch of sour to stop it being too sweet. Fruit flavour wise it is heavy on the dragon fruit but also has a peach, mango and light mixed berry tones.
I have enough for another cold steep with the same parameters so I will do that for tomorrow, two of my husbands brothers are over for a drink and sleepover before they go to Wembley on Saturday to watch a football finals match. I don’t see them often, I live in Leicester and my husband is from Derby but moved here for me and though our cities are next to each other his family rarely visit and I rarely visit them. I’m putting it down to the fact that none of us can drive. Still it will be nice to have family over and this iced tea will be great with a splash of vodka or scotch :) Party iced tea.