53 Tasting Notes
I think vanilla teas are really growing on me. This one was actually pretty good. I thought the blackcurrant would overpower everything, but instead the vanilla was the predominant flavor with just a touch of blackcurrant. I’m not a fan of teas that are too fruity, so this was perfect!
It’s actually not bitter!! (All the green teas I’ve ever tried have been bitter.) Hopefully it won’t keep me up all night as green tea often does. Yes I know it’s only 11am, but I’m extremely hypersensitive to caffeine…gah.
But yes, this is quite pleasant to drink. I think it’s the jasmine and passionfruit I’m tasting the most, both of which I’m usually a pretty big fan of.
This chai is the real deal, blended only 20 miles from my house! This family used to own Tipu’s Indian Restaurant in Missoula, which unfortunately went out of business a few years ago. Their food was amazing, and so is their chai.