I thought my smell/taste was sufficiently recovered to circle back to unflavored teas, but maybe not? I’ve been enjoying the occasional favorite oolong and plenty of flavored teas, so it seemed like today was a good day to chip away at the Kiani advent calendar. Day 19 was a bamboo matcha scoop. Day 20 was hiding when I was looking through the box so I thought I had already drunk it and went right to Day 21, which is this tea. I’ll have to circle back to Day 20!

The dry leaf smelled like fresh cucumber and honeydew. Once I brewed it up Western style, though, I couldn’t smell or taste much of anything except to note that it had a medium mouthfeel and a slight dryness to it. Maybe it was because there were only 3 grams of leaf in the pouch and I used too much water (though I specifically didn’t fill my mug all the way because of that). Maybe it’s because this advent calendar is now 7 months old and the leaf is starting to show its age (though I have green teas that are even older and typically still have some kind of flavor). Or maybe, even though I’m mostly recovered, I haven’t gotten back the full sensitivity that I had before. Alas.

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Geek and nerd (shoutout to GeekSteep). Still trying to get a handle on this whole work/life balance while ALSO succeeding at work thing. I have some chronic illnesses that make that harder. Tea is my respite.

Favorite tea types, in order:

Don’t drink:

A sampling of tea shops I like:
Te Company
Tea Thoughts
Harney & Sons

RIP Butiki

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