358 Tasting Notes
I enjoyed a cup of this last night. It was my first experience with Della Terra Teas and I was excited to try one of their blends after reading so many positive reviews. I like eggnog and we always have some in our fridge every holiday season. Winter Nog appeals to me because it is one that I can enjoy at night right before bed, and what is more comforting that a cup of warm eggnog-flavored tea on a cold night!? I found that this tea was a little bland without sweetener added, and although it was smooth to begin with, adding just a little bit of milk made it even smoother. It unfortunately has that strange aftertaste that all rooibos blends seem to have, although it was a lot less than others and it seemed to go away as the cup cooled. The finish of this tea was almost like smooth, sweet caramel. A very nice tea, and perfect for a winter evening! Thanks, Cavocorax!
-Dry blend has red rooibos with white snowflake sprinkles.
-Dry blend smells of sweet eggnog with the rooibos base. Tea liquor aroma is lightly of eggnog.
-Tea liquor is a clear medium brown color.
-Mellow spice flavor with a smooth caramel-like finish.
-Best with the smallest amount of milk and sweetener.
-Very good tea. Softly flavored and reminiscent of creamy eggnog.
Another fun sample from Cavocorax! This one is interesting because it has a lot of sugary white powder in with the tea leaves. Not surprisingly, the smell is very sugary sweet also. I am not sensing much orange in the aroma, but a lot of creamsicle flavors are more vanillaish than orangey. Wow, the orange flavor in this one is definitely unexpected, but really juicy. It’s almost like biting into a fresh piece of orange. With just sweetener it tastes like orange, but if you add milk in it really brings out more of the vanilla flavors and becomes a little creamy. Thanks for sending this one, Cavocorax!
-Dry blend has small tea leaves with white sugary powder and pieces of orange rind.
-Dry leaves smell very sugary sweet. Tea liquor aroma is of vanilla and a little orange.
-Tea liquor is a medium brown color.
-Juicy orange flavor with a light vanilla finish.
-Best with milk and sweetener or just sweetener.
-Good tea. Ripe orange flavor toned down with vanilla sugar.
Cavocorax was so nice to send a package of samples and this is the first tea that I’m trying. I’ve been wanting to try this one for awhile, and just the smell of the dry leaves alone is living up to my expectations; very sweet and sugary like icing. There are cute little black and white chocolate chips and red and white sprinkles mixed in with the dry leaves. There’s just something about sprinkles that always makes me smile! The flavor is overwhelmingly sweet with a nice chocolatey finish. Adding just a touch of milk makes a very creamy and smooth cup. I’m loving this tea this morning and will be adding it to my shopping list. Thanks, Cavocorax!
-Dry blend has small black tea leaves and twigs, black and white chocolate chips and red and white sprinkles. Chocolate chips and sprinkles dissolve while steeping.
-Dry leaves smell like sweet red velvet cake. Tea liquor aroma is of rich chocolate.
-Tea liquor is a thick orange-yellow color with an oily sheen on top.
-Red velvet flavor with a lingering sweet chocolatey finish.
-Best with milk and sweetener.
-Excellent tea. Creamy and decadent.
Despite our heat being set to 74 I’m chilled and can’t seem to get warm. I’m hoping a nice cup of this tea (thanks to Serenity!) will do the trick. I’ve heard good things about Yorkshire tea and this is my first experience with it. Wow, is it strong! Even after adding milk and sweetener it is still a little bitter, and I didn’t even let it steep for the full time. Nice, strong malty flavor. I think this tea may be just what I needed tonight!
-Large standard teabag with a string.
-Teabag smells sweet and malty. Tea liquor aroma is of strong black tea.
-Tea liquor is a thick very dark brown color.
-Strong robust flavor with a slightly bitter finish. Malty and bitter aftertaste.
-Best with milk and sweetener.
-Good tea. Strong malty flavor and finish. Takes milk and sugar very well.
The name of this tea is so pretty that you just know that you’re in for a good cup of tea. The dry blend is very pleasing to the eye with perfect curls of white and dark chocolate. There are some full-size tea leaves in the blend also. The smell of the dry leaves is very soft, which is fitting for the ‘whisper’ in the name. The texture of the tea was a nice surprise – a little cloudy in the cup and very creamy. Although very light, the flavor is of mint with just a hint of chocolate. This is unlike any other mint tea that I’ve had and a nice change of pace. I think I’ll make my fiancee a nice, warm cup of this when he comes home – he loves mint teas and has been outside coaching soccer all day (in the snow/ice!).
-Dry blend has large whole tea leaves, broken pieces of peppermint leaves and white and black chocolate curls. The chocolate curls dissolve while steeping.
-Dry leaves smell lightly of mint and chocolate. Tea liquor aroma is vegetal and minty.
-Tea liquor is a cloudy golden yellow color.
-Soft grassy flavor with a hint of rich chocolate. Nice lingering minty finish.
-Best with sweetener.
-Very good tea. Creamy, refreshing mint tea. Sweetener brings out more of the chocolate flavors.
Another Anna Karenina tea for the book club discussion. Big thank you to Terri HarpLady for sending out samples of this one!
I knew that I would love this tea the moment that I smelled it. It has a deliciously sweet aroma, florally and a little fruity. The blend itself is very pretty with its pink and yellow rose petals and vibrant orange safflower, I think Anna herself would’ve approved of this tea based on looks alone! The flavor is nice and strong, with a sweet, jam-like flavor and a finish that reminds me of a rose perfume. It leaves a taste in your mouth almost like you’ve been drinking rose perfume, but it is so very good! This is a perfect tea if you enjoy rose flavors. Although this tea is naturally sweet on its own, I experimented with adding milk and sweetener and found that it’s best with both. The milk and sweetener somehow enhance the fruit and rose flavors together very nicely without taking anything away. I adore this tea and will certainly be purchasing some from Amazon in the near future ($8.99 for 8.8 ounces – perfect!).
-Dry blend has medium size black tea leaves, pink and yellow rose petals and orange safflower. Safflower petals unfurl and float to the top during steeping.
-Dry leaves smells sweet, florally and slightly fruity. Tea liquor aroma is malty, floral and sweet.
-Tea liquor is a clear medium brown color.
-Sweet fruity jam flavor with a rose perfume finish.
-Best with milk and sweetener.
-Excellent tea. A perfect cup of sweet rose tea!
read my review for another Russian Style way of drinking this tea. My granddaughters like this one too and the Blue Label Czar Nikolas is very good too.
Bonnie, thanks, reading it now!
Jacqueline, we are going to take suggestions and votes for another book club/tea pairing next week, hope you can join us!
Today is the day – Anna Karenina book and tea club discussion day! I’ve been eagerly awaiting this day since I finished the book about a week ago. This tea is so perfectly paired to the book, and the scene from the movie on the tea tin is just so pretty. I was a bit hesitant about this tea since I’m not a big fan of smokey Lapsang Souchong teas, but I LOVE rose teas so I hoped these contrasting flavors would balance out. The teabag smells only a little smokey, not overwhelmingly so, and there is a nice, strong, floral rose scent also. The tea aroma is completely of woodsmoke. I was a little sad to see that this tea takes on more of the smokey flavor than the rose flavor. The rose seems to be more noticeable in the aroma rather than in the taste, as there’s only the smallest hint of a rose flavor. All in all not a bad tea, just a very heavily smokey flavor, which is exactly as the tea is described. I hope my fellow book/tea club members found this tea to their liking!
-Round natural unbleached teabag.
-Teabag smells smokey with a rose essence. Tea liquor aroma is of woodsmoke.
-Tea liquor is a dark brown color.
-Malty woodsy flavor with a lingering smokey finish. Smallest hint of rose noticeable in the flavor.
-Best with milk and sweetener.
-Good tea. Very little rose flavor.
I’m trying to clear out my cupboard and force myself to drink and rate all the teas that I’m not too fond of so that I can pass them along to others. This tea attracted me because it’s caffeine free and it says that it’s a satisfying cup and helps curb cravings, so I thought “Oh perfect for late at night when I really want cake/ice cream/cookies/etc. but will get fat if I give in and eat them”. Unfortunately this tea tastes pretty bland in my opinion, so it’s really not much help. The teabags smell sickly sweet to me of artificial orange with a little cinnamon. The tea itself smells much better, like a warm, spicy cinnamon aroma. The tea is ok, pretty dull in flavor with not much of an aftertaste. Not a terrible tea, just not one I am likely to purchase again.
-Round natural unbleached teabag.
-Teabag smells of artificial and very sweet orange with cinnamon. Tea liquor aroma is of sweet spicy cinnamon.
-Tea liquor is a cloudy medium orange color.
-Bland orange flavor with a muted cinnamon finish.
-Best with sweetener.
-Fair tea. No bold flavors.
this one just has a special place for me.
way back when…i started drinking tea because i was trying to be healthy and cut out caffeine, so i ended up trying every one of the wellness collection teas. and this one was the only one of the whole bunch that i kept buying over again.
currently it’s the only tea i own in bags. and now it’s been in the back of my cupboard and i haven’t touched it in months. i bet it will be disappointing when i have it again. if i ever have it again.
ho hum.
i do remember it being fairly bland though. i would brew 2 bags in a 16 oz cup and then gulp it down like water haha
Let me know what you think the next time that you drink it again (if you do drink it again!) I honestly think that it’s more the smell of the dry teabag that turns me off – it just smells so artificial, and then the flavor is so bland – how odd. Usually I love all of The Republic of Tea blends, but this was a big miss for me.
This is the tea of choice this morning as I need something seriously good to motivate me to get up, go to class and be productive in general for the day. This tea is interesting in that almost all of the ingredients are some form of cocoa or chocolate – yum! The teabags are very powdery with a fine, cocoa-like filling that floats up out of the tin when you open it. The Republic of Tea recommends brewing the tea for 7 minutes, and the end result is a cup of cloudy tea that smells exactly like hot cocoa. It tastes just like hot cocoa too, one you add a little milk and sweetener. If I had any mini marshmallows in the house I would throw them in the cup also. This tea takes me back to my childhood days of sipping a warm, sweet cup of hot chocolate during the winter. This has been one of my favorites for a long time and it looks like it’s time to purchase more as there is only one teabag left!
-Round natural unbleached teabag. Teabag is powdery with a fine cocoa-like filling.
-Teabag smells strongly of rich chocolate. Tea liquor aroma is exactly like hot cocoa.
-Tea liquor is a dark cloudy brown color.
-Deep dark chocolate flavor with a strong sweet cocoa finish.
-Best with milk and sweetener.
-Excellent tea. A rich creamy and satisfying cup.
MMm! Sounds scrumptious! Did you feel energized for the day? I had mate straight one time and ooh, bitter! Then I had it as a chai blend, and liked it a little more, but still could taste that bitterness that I didn’t care for. This note makes me want to give mate another try! My brother got my daughter a traditional gourd and metal straw from South America, but no mate for the kid, she just has it as a decoration. : )
I do feel pretty energized, which is a good thing because I have a ton to get accomplished today. I didn’t like the Chocolate Mate Chai blend that I had the other day (liquid pepper drink, blah!) but this one tastes just like hot chocolate and for that reason children would probably love it. (Too bad about the caffeine!)
Oh what a day! I had so many errands to run today and it is freezing outside (well, freezing from a Southerner’s point of view!) I arrived home, weary and chilled, to find a package from Nature’s Tea Leaf waiting for me – oh joy! I instantly decided that this Milk Black Tea would be the perfect cup of comfort to pick me up. The dry leaves smell interesting, but not in a bad way. The aroma reminds me exactly of powdered milk. I love a cup of strong black tea with a little milk and sugar, so this tea definitely appealed to me. The tea leaves are basic, small black leaves but during steeping they really expanded and filled up my little tea pot – very pretty! The tea liquor smells more sweet than the dry leaves. The flavor is very nice with a fresh milk flavor. It’s a little creamy, and the creaminess increases if you add a little milk. I added sweetener and then a little milk, which was perfect for a cold day. I think it would also be nice as a breakfast tea in the summer with just sweetener. All around a very comforting cup!
-Standard small black tea leaves.
-Dry leaves smell strongly of rich milk. Tea liquor aroma is of sweet warm milk.
-Tea liquor is a clear medium brown color.
-Sweet, fresh milk flavor with an evaporated milk finish. Slightly creamy mouthfeel.
-Best with milk and sweetener or just sweetener.
-Very good tea. Fresh and comforting cup.
I’m with you, Josie! This is cold for our Southern bones. I have had a big pot of tea going all day on the warmer and I just threw another log on the fire. I am a bit ashamed to admit that we are shivering even though the furnace has been set to 70F all day, higher than we normally keep it. It feels as though the cold outside is still creeping in…
Oh my gosh, I am so glad to find someone who can relate, you sweet Southern lady! When I complained to my Aunt in Pennsylvania she just laughed at me. And they’re calling for more snow on Friday. One snow is enough – where is our beloved 70 degree sunshine!? Our heat is on 74 and it is still so darn cold in the house. I’m refusing to move from my nest of blankets on the couch (yes, even to make more tea) until my fiancee comes home and starts the fireplace. Here’s hoping that he doesn’t get stuck at work late tonight : )
Glad you enjoy it! Those little snowflakes are pretty adorable.
Oh, they are too cute, aren’t they!?