I enjoyed a cup of this last night. It was my first experience with Della Terra Teas and I was excited to try one of their blends after reading so many positive reviews. I like eggnog and we always have some in our fridge every holiday season. Winter Nog appeals to me because it is one that I can enjoy at night right before bed, and what is more comforting that a cup of warm eggnog-flavored tea on a cold night!? I found that this tea was a little bland without sweetener added, and although it was smooth to begin with, adding just a little bit of milk made it even smoother. It unfortunately has that strange aftertaste that all rooibos blends seem to have, although it was a lot less than others and it seemed to go away as the cup cooled. The finish of this tea was almost like smooth, sweet caramel. A very nice tea, and perfect for a winter evening! Thanks, Cavocorax!
-Dry blend has red rooibos with white snowflake sprinkles.
-Dry blend smells of sweet eggnog with the rooibos base. Tea liquor aroma is lightly of eggnog.
-Tea liquor is a clear medium brown color.
-Mellow spice flavor with a smooth caramel-like finish.
-Best with the smallest amount of milk and sweetener.
-Very good tea. Softly flavored and reminiscent of creamy eggnog.
Glad you enjoy it! Those little snowflakes are pretty adorable.
Oh, they are too cute, aren’t they!?