Another sample that I’ve had just lying around. I wasn’t so sure about this one. Then I opened the packet and was loving the fresh orange scent. Then I tasted it, and it was entirely ginger. There’s a little orange and a hint of earthiness in the flavor, but it’s primarily ginger. I’m not a huge fan of ginger, so this isn’t my favorite tea. It was a little better with some milk and sugar, but not something that I would ever purchase.
-Dry blend has medium and large black and green tea leaves with pieces of orange peel and ginger.
-Dry leaves smell of fresh orange juice with a hint of ginger. Tea liquor aroma is of orange and ginger with an earthy note.
-Tea liquor is a clear dark brown color.
-Strong ginger flavor with a light orange finish. Earthy ginger aftertaste.
-Best with milk and sweetener.
-Fair tea. Strong ginger flavor with an earthy undertone and hints of orange.