As soon as I smelled this tea I knew that I wanted some. I love banana flavored things and this smells just like banana taffy. I was surprised when I got home and looked up the ingredients to see that it has rooibos in it. There are so many HUGE pieces of dried fruit that you don’t even really notice the little rooibos that there is, which is just fine with me. I even had a difficult time scooping out 1.5 teaspoons because it doesn’t even fit in the teaspoon. I finally made do with just picking out some of the fruits and dropping them into my little teapot. The flavor isn’t exactly like banana taffy. I can taste a lot of other sweet fruit and especially tart pineapple in there too. Adding sweetener took away a lot of the tartness and made it more of a sweet fruity banana flavor. I like this one, I just wish it was a little more bananaish. Or maybe that it was renamed to Fruity Banana blend or something instead of Banana Taffy. I’d still like to try it iced. Another customer in the store told me that if you mix this Banana Taffy with the herbal almond tea it tastes just like banana bread. Although it’s not Capital Teas’ brand, I have a Roasted Almond tea that I just may try that with.
-Dry blend has full size pieces of dried fruits with red rooibos.
-Dry blend smells tropical and of sweet bananas, coconut and pineapple. Tea liquor aroma is of warm bananas and pineapple.
-Tea liquor is a clear bright medium yellow color with an oily sheen on top.
-Sweet fruit flavor with a tart pineapple finish. Light banana aftertaste.
-Best with sweetener.
-Good tea. Tart and fruity flavor with a light banana aftertaste.