I’ve had this little sample from David’s in my tea drawer since just before Christmas, and pulled it out tonight to try. I always assumed that the “Coco” meant chocolate, but apparently it is coconut. I’m fine with either, I’m just a little apprehensive about the rooibos and all of the spices. I like a good chai, just not the real peppery ones, which I’m worried this may be after reading the reviews. This may be a sample that I should’ve saved for my fiancee. The dry blend smells lightly sweet and spicy with a hint of coconut. There is a peppery-sweet smell that comes from the cup while steeping, it’s a little odd. The flavor is strong and peppery with a ginger finish. There is a light cardamom and coconut aftertaste that wasn’t that great. I added a little milk and sweetener, which covered up some of the pepperiness. It’s still spicy, and I can feel the warming sensation all over, which makes me think I would like this more in the winter time. I can’t taste any of the rooibos at all, at least, and it does lose a little spiciness as it cools down. I still don’t think that it’s a tea that I would order myself, though. Maybe if there were more coconut and less spicy pepperiness in the mix.
-Dry blend has red rooibos mixed with pieces of spices, slivers of dried coconut and small red peppercorns.
-Dry blend smells lightly sweet and spicy with a hint of coconut. Tea liquor aroma is spicy with a hint of coconut.
-Tea liquor is a cloudy medium yellow brown color with an oily sheen on top.
-Strong peppery taste with a ginger finish. Light cardamom and coconut aftertaste.
-Best with milk and sweetener.
-Good tea. A warming cup. Spicy and peppery flavor with a hint of coconut.