Following 57 Tea Drinkers

LiberTEAS 1040 followers

I am obsessed with tea! I am a co-founder of the SororiTEA Sisters: http://so...

Kamyria 68 followers

It’s been a while since I joined Steepster and I think it’s time to write up ...

dragondrool 31 followers

My very first ever mug of tea was Bigelow’s Constant Comment, when I was abou...

Yvonne 92 followers

My name is Yvonne. I’m 21 and live in a snowy Canadian wasteland known as Man...

Fjellrev 331 followers

Satsuma 14 followers

I’m really new to the world of tea. I was a coffee drinker until I tried rec...

221tea 38 followers

I just started drinking loose tea this year…and by “drinking” I mean, “comple...



Hi. I’m Isa. My photo is David Bowie. Actually, JK, it’s me, because I look like that. Yep.
I really like Davids Tea, because I live around the corner.

Ratings Scale:
(I tend to not rate too high or too low, so many of these are in the same range)

91-100: Practically unheard of
80-90: Basically all the teas I drink daily. These are GOOD TEAS
70-79: Okay, I liked this. I’m probably not going to buy it many more times, but I wouldn’t swap away the whole thing.
60-69: Does anyone want this tea? Because I don’t



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