Rinse at 100C, let it rest, flash steep at 95C.

So I was going to rinse this one twice, but decided to sip the second rinse. Glad I did! A lighter amber in color, this liquor tastes of a distinct blend of citrus and tamari, with a sweetness that builds in the mouth and at the back of the throat.

The second flash steep has an intense, super-rich condensed milk custard aroma, and tastes of honey and lemon stirred into hot water, with a slight umami kick that rolls into a savory and sour shoyu finish with a lingering sweetness. The aroma that clings to the empty cup is mouth-watering and fruity.

Third steep has more sour stone fruit coming through, and in the fourth steep, I’m starting to almost taste that condensed milkiness, and all of this carries on into the next couple of steeps. Once the flavor started to weaken, I hit it with boiling water from height and left it for a longer steep, and that revived it for a few more rounds.

This was very unique and I quite liked it. I could see myself stocking up this.

Flavors: Citrus, Custard, Lemon, Pleasantly Sour, Soy Sauce, Stonefruit, Sweet, Umami

5 g

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I like tea, mostly unflavored. I drink all tea, with a preference for teas from China, Japan and Taiwan, with some exceptions.

I don’t rate until I have had a tea several times unless it makes a very strong, immediate impact.

I am hunting for the following:
w2t 1990s HK Style

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