2 Tasting Notes


The second rinse is drinkable; however, it is strong! To brew the tea, I followed my typical sheng puerh parameters of water just off boil, with flash steeps for the first 5 to 7 steepings and adjustments to taste. Planet Jingmai started off with a very pleasant honey sweetness. There was no astringency or smoke, this was a very smooth sheng. As the leaves opened up in middle steeps, the sweetness turned into more of a grassy flavor with a touch of wood. At this point, my mind was feeling extremely relaxed. A nice sense of calm came over me and I started to feel very warm. There is a term for this feeling called “tea drunk” or “cha qi”. I had only sensed this with a few teas, but on Planet Jingmai, the cha qi was strong! After about 15 steeps, I was very relaxed, and needed a break from the tea. The leaves were overflowing in my gaiwan, but there was plenty of flavor left in the leaves. I decided to continue the session the next day, something I had never done before.

Day two on Planet Jingmai and the leaves had completely unfurled and were overflowing in my gaiwan, so I transferred them to a 180ml yixing pot. I rinsed the leaves with boiling water for about 15 seconds and then continued my session. The tea was still full of flavor, and it seemed that the honey sweetness came back once the grassy notes subsided. The tea finally gave up around 20 steeps or so, and I took the leaves out to examine and found whole leaves! I couldn’t believe these were all wrapped up in a tiny orb.

Full review at http://www.tching.com/2016/04/blasting-off-to-planet-jingmai/

Flavors: Apricot, Floral, Honey, Sugarcane

205 °F / 96 °C 0 min, 15 sec 8 g 3 OZ / 100 ML

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drank Rummy Pu by Liquid Proust Teas
2 tasting notes

I invited my friend Mitch over to enjoy the Rummy Pu with me. Mitch likes both puerh and liquor, so I was curious to see what he would think of a combination of the two. Upon opening the package, we immediately thought we opened a bottle of rum. The aroma of the dry leaf was strong! It hit us like opening a bottle of rum. I decided to brew 5 grams in my 100ml gaiwan with boiling water. I gave the tea a quick rinse, and normally I would discard the rinse of any puerh, but I was curious to try it. The rinse tasted like straight rum! The puerh hadn’t become apparent yet, I actually got a bit of that alcohol burn! The next few infusions I brewed for about 15 seconds to let the puerh get a bit stronger. The tea definitely had a rum kick to it, but the puerh gave it a nice chocolatey note to it. The best description I can come up with is that the tea tasted like chocolate rum balls. A nice strong rum taste but with a heavy chocolate note to it. What I kept remarking on during the session was what high quality the base puerh tea was. It was a golden needle loose shou puerh that had excellent flavor. I would drink the tea alone even without the barrel. Liquid Proust does not use lower quality bases and hide its flaws with flavor, everything about this base tea was excellent.

Full Review on Tching.com http://www.tching.com/2016/08/review-liquid-proust-teas-rummy-pu/

Flavors: Dark Chocolate, Pastries, Rum

Boiling 0 min, 15 sec 5 g 3 OZ / 100 ML

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