In my opinion this could have used a more of a slap of honey. When I see honey as one of the words in the name I really expect it to be sweet. I didn’t even taste the “tad sweet” that was supposed to be there. Don’t get me wrong the tea isn’t horrible. Just not what I was expecting with the name.
I really can taste the green tea in this and there is a bit of a honey aftertaste. But that’s it just the green tea which as others have mentioned is giving this a veggie taste. Which oddly enough isn’t bad with the salad I got for lunch. I don’t think I will be trying this again. Anyone recommend any of their other teas?
I love the Mango tea, the Peach tea, and the half tea/half lemonade. The pomegranate white tea is also delish, but hard to find. That company is actually based in Bethesda, MD, near where I live; I’ve been a fan since my days in college. :)