Trying some of this sample this morning as I’m feeling poorly. Went to bed feeling so/so. Woke up with a fever and feeling like an elephant is sitting on my chest. So I wanted something strong. This is quite good. malty with a hint of spice. I like it. I’m sure I’ll like it more when I’m feeling better. Today is all about tea, couch, and past seasons of Downton Abbey.
i hope you feel better. I kind of wish i could get sick one of these days to just sit at home, drinking tea and watching downton abbey. I need to get caught up :)
Feel better soon!
i hope you feel better. I kind of wish i could get sick one of these days to just sit at home, drinking tea and watching downton abbey. I need to get caught up :)
Oh no! Take care of yourself, and I hope you feel better quickly.
Thanks all. Trust me I wasn’t thrilled to wake up feeling gross either. But tea, Downton, and now a cat trapping my legs…it helps. :)