Thank you Blodeuyn for this delicious present!
I am not a fan of bagged tea at all. This is the one area of tea where my “tea snobbery” comes out prominently. I don’t like being a snob, so I’m trying to change that. I was given this as a surprise present. I have never brewed anything in a “silken sachet.” I thought it was very elegant and unique. I brewed this in my night mug before dinner to calm me down a little. The aroma of this sachet is amazing. I poured my steaming water over it and the sweet aroma of Thai delicacies filled the air. This brew has a dominant silky vanilla tone with coconut beefing up behind it. If I sat and took a long inhale I could taste the lemon undertone. The flavor is a calm fresh ginger. It goes down real smooth and is actually helping my sore throat out a bit. The green tea adds a grassy base for all these flavors to sit atop of. I enjoyed this, and I think i might actually like tea bags. Might. haha.
Flavors: Coconut, Pastries, Vanilla
I have some loose leaf of this (Bangkok) if you’d like to do a comparison. :)
I would love to! I assumed it only came in sachet form :)
Alright then, PM me your address and I’ll send you some to try out. :)
Awesome! thats so nice of you :)