73 Tasting Notes

drank Wanderlust by Yumchaa
73 tasting notes

So, the day before yesterday started off really well (tea-related), but went very badly downhill (not really tea-related, except for this tea). Then yesterday started horribly (not tea-related, except that I had to rush out of the house w/o my morning cuppas), stayed pretty bad (I think it shot my tea tastings for the day, too – will get to those if Steepster starts being happier), and then got resolved (included a nice, cheery night-time rooibos – ditto).

The good start to day-before yesterday involved a lovely email from Stacy of Butiki Teas and then two morning cups of tea from the swap cteresa sent me, neither of which will get onto the database here. One was a “random” Ceylon from a local tea shop – local to her, that is – which I found delightful, and which inspired me to order a Ceylon to try from PureAromaTeas. And the other was a home blended chai she made up with a Portuguese black tea, which was so good it made me walk around the house asking “Why have I never thought of chai for breakfast before?!?”. All I can do aside from that is check out the rough proportions of spices cteresa used, as they were spot on.

[skipping over non-tea-related woes] In the afternoon, I made a pot of Wanderlust for Cara and me, as she’s a big Yumchaa tea fan too. (By ‘pot’ I mean the Magic Infuser/Cha Cult I own.) Now, I have to say, with all due sorrow, that I’ve found a Yumchaa tea I didn’t like. Dry, the smell of the apple and cinnamon was lovely, but after steeping it went bitter, which it also tasted. I have to say that my taste-buds were not tainted by the bitterness of the day, as Cara also found it bitter, before I’d even said anything about it. I know Teresa wouldn’t have rated this one highly if it had been a problem with either the cinnamon or the green tea base, so I’m stumped as to what went wrong. That said, I’ve had teas I liked a lot less, but it was both Yumchaa and a Teresa favourite, so expectations were very high.

At least it rules one tea out of my next order from Yumchaa, thereby making life a bit easier! :? (If we ever get to London again, I’ll definitely try it in store though, to see if I still don’t much like it.)


yeah…. i dunno. this one was good but it wasn’t fantastic when i tried it. it was also a bit of a confusing tea so i never got around to rating it lol


So sorry it was a bad day! a kiss, and glad you enjoyed the teas (weird about this one – any chance the water was too hot? this is a 75 degrees tea)


Oh, just to add in case you have not found it, the recipe for the chai http://steepster.com/teas/unknown/32018-homemade-chai-mix more or less. It´s a fun thing to make, though a tip, it gets better as it ages for some reason.


Thank you for the teas again, the sympathy & the chai recipe!! Yes, about Wanderlust, I’ll try again at a carefully-measured 75. I’m usually using 80 for greens, so it wouldn’t have been super hot, but definitely worth a try.

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Wow. This was the first of the wonderful parcel sent to me by Sil and what a first tasting! I’ve been drooli… I’ve been looking very hard, and very often, at the Butiki teas on offer at the moment, and this was one I didn’t even give a second look to, as I’m just not a big grapefruit fanatic. There wasn’t much smell from the dry leaves, as I oh-so-carefully measured them out, but the first sip had me shaking my head in disbelief about how good the tea I had not been interested in was. The green tea base is amazingly smooth and sweet grassy without being like, well, chewing on your lawn grassy, and the grapefruit flavour went through a variety of interesting notes without hitting a single bitter one. Amazing.

I had to run yesterday after drinking this, which is why I didn’t get a note on it, but I still had time to do three properly appreciated infusions. No way I’d have skimped on tasting tea this good. I’ll be making this again, and sharing this time with my younger daughter, because she’s interested enough to deserve a taste of this too. :P More notes to follow.

180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 30 sec

woot! So glad this was an unexpected delight. I adore this grapefruit tea and harassed stacy forever to release it :)


Yes, an unexpected delight is exactly it. And I read the history of you and this tea with great interest! :)

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drank Nil Rouge by Mariage Frères
73 tasting notes

cteresa kindly sent me a sample of this, and I was very excited to try it, especially as we seem to share rooibos tastes and Mariage Freres teas are not easy to get over here! Glad to say we still seem to share tastes of rooibos(es?) – er, rooibos blends, as I liked this one a lot. Not quite as much as Yumchaa’s Chilli Chilli Bang Bang, but I’d have been sad if I had preferred it to the Yumchaa, for reasons of unavailability mentioned above.

I brewed up the whole sample in my Cha Cult (which cteresa and I both also happened to get from Yumchaa and which works perfectly for rooibos) last night and then shared out big cups between Cara and myself. I liked the rooibos base a lot – it has that good woody taste, that isn’t at all dusty or bitter but has a hint of vanilla I think – and the citrus flavours were lovely. Like others, I didn’t even know what I should be looking out for in the “Oriental spices”, and, perhaps for that reason, didn’t get much spicyness, but it was so flavourful I didn’t mind that.

Thanks again for the sample, cteresa!

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

if you sometimes go to London, Mariage Frères opened a corner at SELFRIDGES (400 Oxford Street)


Ooh, good to know, thanks! I haven’t been able to get away anywhere for a while, but can’t wait to get back to London. Yumchaa (which I’ve been to before), Postcard Teas and now Mariage Frères too! I can see spending a lot of money on tea. :)

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drank Spicy Chai by Premium Steap
73 tasting notes

Not my kind of chai at all, because of the anise, which is far too prominent a flavour to be ignored. Possibly the chicory root doesn’t help, but I can’t get past the anise to determine that. I’d think this was probably a pretty good chai, if you like the flavours.


I completely agree! The taste was way too strong and I did not have a pleasant experience with it at all.

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drank Luxury by Betjeman and Barton
73 tasting notes

Have had several cups of this now, and I’ve decided it’s a nice black tea base with essence of confusion-to-your-senses. Sorry, candied essence of &tc. I rather doubt the flavouring is all natural, and I feel I should dislike it for that reason, but it is such a happy smell/taste (though smell especially) that I don’t. Certainly not over-perfumey, despite which, I find myself craving an oil blend I could dab on myself and wear around all day. I definitely am craving candied chestnuts, aka marrons glacés! I totally agree with Ysaurella about the slight chestnutty bitterness, which is nutty but different from other types of “nutty” flavour.

Will try to do a closer approximation of a proper tasting note soon! Just for now, adding that yesterday I tried a smidge with my unsweetened almond milk, being afraid of ruining the cup, and it was lovely that way too.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

I like this blend even if to me B&B used too much essential oils vs other blends but…I like it ! This is a quite recent creation I think and they may try another recipe in the future (as they did for the Cerise Noire blend) – The director of the shop located boulevard Malesherbes in Paris always mentions to only steep the B&B blends for 2 or 2 min and a half…otherwise they would become bitter – I generally follow now this indication and I prefer their liquors like this.
I normally steep my black blends for 4 or 5 min without problem (Dammann Frères, Mariage Frères especially)


Oh, it’s good to know that about the steeping time, as I would steep my black teas longer too.
I wonder if this could be a slightly different recipe than what you tried? Or is it too new for that? I’ve been put off lately by even very high-quality Earl Greys and the like, just because of the overwhelming essential oil taste, and this is completely different level of flavour to those. Maybe I’ll try it tomorrow and find it over-EOed for me too. :) But it’s also good to know that they’re not using artificial flavourings in their teas.


I never saw any French brand saying they use artificial flavourings…It doesn’t mean they don’t…I am now really suspicious with food and beverage regarding all the food scandals we discovered since 15 years now.
For Luxury i had some doubts but the director ensured me there were only natural essences in.I think I should mention the shop the over “perfumy” feeling with this blend- they can improve it as they often revisit their recipes.
I think you may like Pouchkine blend, I am planning to buy some next month, if you like I can share some with you.


Thank you very much for the offer of Pouchkine-tasting! I’d love that. If you’re interested, I have their Courtisanes (I don’t think it’s on Steepster yet, but will add it soon – it’s a green with lots of fruits), or Hanami, which I haven’t even tried yet!

By next month, it’s entirely possible that I’ll have more to share too. :)


that’s great we keep in touch for a next month swap :)

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I love Genmaicha, though I’ve no idea where I first came across it. I’ve never had it dusted with the Matcha before, and am not entirely sure I recognise the difference between this and a straight Genmaicha. Possibly it helps to diminish the slightly bitter Sencha taste. But whatever it is, it makes a delicious cup of green tea! Toasty rice is just the best smell/taste, and it goes so well with the tea base. I think it would be very nice cold in hot weather too – should we ever get such a thing here.

175 °F / 79 °C 1 min, 0 sec

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drank Organic Houjicha by Hibiki-an
73 tasting notes

Nope, I won’t be able to make myself like this tea, so I’m offering it up to anyone who wants it. I’m fairly certain this is a “good” houjicha, though I have little enough experience with it. Smelling this and my Lapsang explained it all – that’s smoky, woodfire-ish, even peaty. This is acrid. Doesn’t taste as bad as it smells, but not my cuppa.

If a few people would like to try, I’ll split it up, otherwise I’m happy to send it off around the world again. Please, someone(s), take me up on this offer! I got free shipping as it was part of a 3 packets of 100 g each deal, and the other two I love, so it’s all good.


if you want to set aside some of this for our swap that would be fine with me:) yours is on the way today by the way – was late getting to the post office on the weekend


Oh good, will do that! I saw you’d liked a houjicha, I think. Thank you again for the tea swap!


NP. as for houjicha, the one i tried seemed interesting enough that i’ll try a few more. It’s no black tea for sure but it wasn’t bad. And the girls here will happily take it off my hands if i drink a small cup and don’t enjoy it lol


I’ll take some off your hands too, if you still have any.


CHAroma – i’m pretty sure she sent the entire bag to me, though i did just dole out healthy amounts to Kittenna and Raritea. You and i can certainly do a swap at some time so i can send some your way. there’s no way i’ll finish off this bag soon :)


Okay cool, well let me know whenever you’re up for a swap. Thanks! :)

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drank Wendy Tea by PureAromaTea
73 tasting notes

So, what did I think? I think this ‘tea’ is perfect if you like drinking lavender. Which I have discovered I don’t, despite my love of all things lavenderish. But, I’ve made this for myself 3 or 4 times now, and each time it’s gone like this. Go to take a sip and my senses are yelling that it’s TOO LAVENDERY. Yuck! It’ll be like pouring a bottle of essential oil into my cup! It’s just wrong! (Drama queen about tea? Me??) And then I take a sip and it’s so smooth, and it’s lavendery, and I can’t really taste much else over the lavender, but it’s smooth and soft and leaves my mouth feeling really clean, and comforted. And this goes for most sips, although with less internal yelling, and then it’s finished and my stomach joins my mouth in feeling soothed, and I look bemusedly at the bottom of my cup and wonder whether I liked it or not.

Cara won’t even try it, given the strength of the lavender, so I probably won’t reorder, but at the same time, it’d be a wonderful thing to have around for soothing. Maybe? And for sure, anyone who straightforwardly likes drinking lavender tea should be right on this one.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

LOL if it cames to worse, you can make a bath sachet ;)

I do not like lavender notes either, not for food. Probably just the association of lavender with bath things, but it does not work for me too well. Though I got a sublime green tea which uses a hint of lavender mixed with red berries and thyme..


:) I have a taker for this, so no need for such drastic measures!

That mixture of tastes for the green sounds amazing! What’s the tea?


ick. floral tea. ick ick ick lol


ick ick ick lol says it all. :P


Oddly, I will probably like this. I do drink straight lavender only in small amounts (ie 5 0z at a time), but I prefer it to chamomile if I am drinking a Tisane as a sleep aid.


I am sort of ok with floral tea, just not with some florals, if that makes any sense. Jasmine, now I have had good jasmine tea, can be so lovely. And rose. And I have been wondering about ylang-ylang tea. But lavender, sadly it is just no go.


Oh, Teresa, i wasn’t saying that Sil’s “ick ick ick” was my feeling about all floral teas, just that it expressed her feelings very succinctly! I love jasmine green, and some rose teas, and a few others too. But ylang-ylang tea does not sound like anything I’d ever want to try. I find the essential oil sickly sweet even in mixes, so can’t imagine it tasting good. But will watch (from afar) with great interest if you do find one and give it a try!

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Well, that was an interesting tasting. Free sample from B&B, and I liked it quite a lot, but am still trying to process something that smells so fruity and sweet, along with the buttery, and that tastes so *un*fruity and so buttery. And not sweet! What’s that about?!? Actually I think some of it may be that the green tea base is more Sencha-like bitter than — well, than not. (China green is more than a bit broad as a category! But I still think it tastes a bit like a Sencha.) Got a few infusions, and all were tasty.

I’ll be tasting this again, and may have a better sense of what I think of it, but may not manage anything much more. Pity a classy operation like Betjeman and Barton provide such useless brewing instructions.

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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Just finished the last of this off and will have to do a few, “let me be fair” type comments to qualify my meh rating. First thing is that I was probably looking for – not a replacement – but an everyday, cheaper version of Yumchaa’s Chilli Chilli Bang Bang. That’s just not fair to most teas! Also, silly of me to try this one probably, as I’d never put orange biscuits in my gingerbread. Had it had any noticeable ginger flavours, a bit of orange might have been okay, but all I got from this was a rather faint generic citrus fruit. It should have had more taste, as there really are big bits of almond, peppercorns, and ginger is hardly an expensive ingredient to add to your gingerbread tea! (Actually, my bad again for not thinking harder about that ingredient list.) I’m guessing Yumchaa’s rooibos base is a lot better too, as if I weren’t looking at the tea, but drinking on a blind taste test, I don’t think I’d know it was rooibos.

All in all, not offensive in any way, but not something I’ll buy again.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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I’ve been drinking tea pretty much all my life, allowing for the fact that there probably was no tea in my baby-bottles. I gave it up twice, once when a then-boyfriend sneered at me for being addicted (okay, I was, but I was also stubborn enough to bear a week of the blinding headaches and overwhelming exhaustion that followed cold-turkey withdrawal), and once on my first pregnancy. Neither experience gave me any reason to believe a life without tea is a good life.

Having spent most of my younger days in Ireland, where tea is everywhere, and mostly it’s decent, I whined my way across the States in the 80s and first half of the 90s. Now back in Dublin, and the tea situation is a bit mixed, but there’s the internet to provide what nearby shops don’t!

I started drinking green and white teas as well as my staple black a good few years ago now, but have recently decided I need to LEARN something more about tea than the little I know.

My likes:
- strong black tea blends; some flavoured blacks, such as Earl Grey and a small (but growing) number of other fruit and flower-flavoured ones; and chai. (For some daft reason, I feel like a tea fraud drinking sweet chai at home, though I’ll happily drink it out.)

- Chinese greens (may update this when I’ve learned enough to be more specific); some flavoured greens, especially if they’re made by the fabulous Yumchaa; Genmaicha; getting to like Sencha, as long as it’s not too bitter.

- White tea, pretty much as long as it’s good quality, I like it. Some flavoured ones are nice, though it’s easy to overpower the more delicate taste of white.

- Rooibos, which I know, I know, isn’t properly ‘tea’. (As above for Yumchaa flavoured rooibos – some of my favourites.)

- Any black tea made by someone who doesn’t know you need BOILING WATER. (See above about the Whining Years.)

- Hibiscus in fruit-flavoured teas. Looks so pretty! Tastes so awful!

I’m working on trying to like Hojicha, which isn’t going too well yet. Jane Pettigrew describes it as “biscuity”, but unless she’s eaten a lot of cigarette-flavoured biscuits in her time, I don’t get it.

- Aniseed in spiced teas. (Just discovered this one for the dislike list today, in an otherwise-tasty chai. Don’t like the tongue-numbing effect.)

Indecisive, despite being opinionated – okay, very opinionated – so may just add notes rather than rating.


Dublin, Ireland



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