drank Granola d'Hiver by Dammann Frères
78 tasting notes

Dammann Frères Advent 2021 – Day 4
This tea and I have a misunderstanding. It smells of toast, pecans, and maple syrup and I want to love it. But once brewed, it’s a faint echo of what I want it to be. I don’t know if I brewed it at too low of a temperature or if I had a weak batch, but it doesn’t live up to its promise for me. Maybe I was expecting too much. I was hoping for a raisin nut bread toasted with a drizzle of maple syrup and I got a bit of sweet popcorn or rice cake with a hint of pecan. I liked it much better in previous years. It’s good but it’s mehhh for me this year.

This is a tea I only get to taste when I get the advent calendar so I will have to wait another year to give it another chance.

Flavors: Maple Syrup, Pecan, Popcorn, Toast

185 °F / 85 °C 4 min, 30 sec

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I started drinking tea in 2018 when a friend introduced me to flavored black teas. Since then, I have developed a bit of a tea addiction. I never want to be without the teas I love, but I’m perpetually compelled to try new ones…

I started with French tea companies like Mariage Freres, Dammann Freres, Kusmi, Nina’s, and TheOdor, because I’m French and it makes me feel closer to home, but I would love to find tea companies I love as much on this side of the Atlantic.

I’m partial to dessert teas and in terms of flavors, I adore almond, pistachio, biscuit, nutty types, as well as caramel, cream, cake, vanilla, toffee, chocolate, and cookies. For me, it’s all about drinking my dessert!!! I also like fruity teas like peach, melon, mango, raspberry, strawberry, figs, and even grapefruit flavored teas. I am discovering more floral teas and testing the waters there, but I don’t care for earl greys or chai. I have not expanded into unflavored teas yet, but maybe one day.

For full disclosure I like my tea with a little sugar/sweetener.

Tea ratings: (I’m not a tough customer and I don’t have a very sophisticated palate.)

96-100: Pure deliciousness and all-time favourite teas.

90-95: Love love love. Delicious teas I reach for all the time.

80-89: Good to great teas I’d drink any day of the week.

75-79: Good teas that I would be happy to drink from time to time.

70-74: Teas that are just ok for me. They’re not bad teas, but not my preference.

60-69: Maybe good for someone else but definitely not my thing.

50-59: Drinkable

1-49: Just no.


North Carolina, USA

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