drank Darjeeling by Twinings
3 tasting notes

The first time I made a cup of this tea I thought I made it wrong.

Here I am, many cups later, realizing that no matter how I make this tea, it just tastes like dishwater. YUCK.

I’ve steeped it for two minutes, three minutes, up to five minutes. I’ve added Splenda and real sugar and honey. I’ve microwaved my water and made it in a traditional tea kettle. Nothing helps. Nothing makes it better.

I want to like this tea because I’ve had good Darjeeling tea, and other Twinings teas I’ve had have always been consistent and good. (Their Irish Breakfast is one of my favorites.) But this… this is just unsalvageable. Every time I try to make another cup and put all preconceived notions out of my head so I can try and enjoy it… Dishwater. I suppose it has a slight bitterness that one could point to a light black tea with, but the flavor is just so flat and unsavory that I’m not willing to dig that deep to keep drinking it.

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i had no idea this place existed until recently! i’m in love. :)

coastal north carolinian who wanted so badly to like green tea when she was 14, that she made herself drink a cup of it every day until she eventually enjoyed it. it’s all gone downhill from there!


north carolina

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