
Tea type
Black Tea
Not available
Astringent, Biting, Bitter, Tannic, Tea, Caramel, Cut Grass, Floral, Malt, Wood, Earth, Honey, Straw, Grapes, Raisins, Flowers
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Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 45 sec 4 g 16 oz / 483 ml

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From Twinings

The light golden black tea from the foothills of the Himalayas is considered the champagne of all teas. Expertly blended with a delicate and unique character that is likened to the Muscatel grape.

Darjeeling teas are grown in the foothills of the Himalayan Mountains in northeast India. The high altitude, soil and climate of the Darjeeling plantations contribute towards the unique and delicate taste of this tea. Twinings Darjeeling uses theRead more

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70 Tasting Notes

2970 tasting notes

Aha! Sipdown! Its gone now! Whee!

TeaLady441 12 years ago

Yay! Goodbye disappointing tea!

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226 tasting notes

I had this tea this morning with my hospital cafeteria breakfast (which was filling and delicious, despite the fact that the cook seemed to think that a cabbage leaf was an appropriate garnish for a plate of pancakes). Anyway, I had to make do with ordering a cup of hot water to use for tea, so I have no idea what temperature it was steeped at, although it couldn’t have been more than about 180° F. Anyway, it turned out to be a wonderfully light complement to my bagel and strawberries (the hubby ended up eating the pancakes).

As a side note, the reason I’m in the hospital is because I now have a brand spanking new little girl named Charlotte! We’re both doing fine, and will probably go home tomorrow. :)

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yyz 12 years ago


ChariTea 12 years ago

Ah!! Congratulations!!!

Mercuryhime 12 years ago

Yay! Congrats!

Indigobloom 12 years ago

Awesome, congrats!!!

darby 12 years ago


tea-sipper 12 years ago


tea-sipper 12 years ago

Also, I don’t think that should be a “side note”. haha.

teataku 12 years ago

Thanks, everybody! :) Sorry for the time lapse—it’s been an exciting few days around here!

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1220 tasting notes

Last night I was opening some teabags and dumping the leaves into my big bag of dried, used leaves. It was disturbing.

So for some reason I decided to do the oatmeal thing again but with one of these teabags. I can actually taste how terrible it is through what should be delicious honey and cinnamon cereal. It’s not like it went bitter from then being cooked in grains for 90 seconds…it tastes like dirt.

Guess its partner is going to meet the bag of dried leaves too cause I am not drinking this. Poor Darjeeling.

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557 tasting notes

Backlogging from Vacation #5:

This was the last vacation tea I had. We stopped at a Cracker Barrel and they had this for breakfast. I had to put a creamer of half-and-half in mine to cut the bitterness it had. I must be getting used to having some sort of dairy for my breakfast tea.

The trip was so fun, but I am glad to be home where I can control what my water tastes like (PA water is fantastic!) and how hot my water is easily.

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91 tasting notes

I have been drinking my bagged black teas with milk and sugar for as long as I can remember. Twining’s Darjeeling has always been one of my favorites.

Since I have been drinking tea more seriously lately, this is the first time I’ve had it in a while. The initial aroma is pleasantly sweet and malty. Unfortunately, when sipped plain, it is overly bitter. I am beginning to believe that it is just not as good as I remember.

After trying some plain, I added in my typical sugar and milk and it brought back some of my former feelings. However, I can now detect the undertone of tea that just isn’t quite the quality that I thought or hoped for.

I still will drink this tea, but probably not with the regularity I once did.

185 °F / 85 °C 2 min, 30 sec
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ScottTeaMan 13 years ago

This is a good teabag Darjeeling, and I drink it when I see it in restaurants HHMMM, 2.5 min at 185 degrees seems ok, but last time I had this tea it was overly bitter too. :-/

Dinah Saur 13 years ago

Yeah, it’s definitely good for a teabag Darjeeling, but I guess I’ve been spoiling myself too much lately. ;)

ScottTeaMan 13 years ago

I know what you mean. :))

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20 tasting notes

Reading over the reviews of this tea, I felt I need to speak up. This tea $3 a box. If you handed me a random tea and said “I only payed $3 for the whole box”… I’d probably dump it out in your house plant and pretend to drink from the empty cup whenever you looked.

Now, with that said, I don’t feel that this tea is that bad at all. It has the very classic and stereotypical flavor of darjeeling. It can be quite bitter very quickly if you don’t watch it, but the aroma and full bodied flavor is definitely way above par for the price if the brew is good. I’m very sensitive to bitter tastes, and like to add too much sugar and some milk to this tea- this makes it VERY malty (obviously, but more than expected), and has lingering aftertaste of green grapes(?).

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec
Ninavampi 13 years ago

I have found that price isn’t necessarily an indicator of whether I will like a tea or not. I have had cheap teas that I have really enjoyed and expensive teas that I couldn’t stand.

In general I have found that loose leaf is what I tend to enjoy the most. Bagged I will drink, but most just don´t live up to the loose leaf teas that I cherish and enjoy. : )

ScottTeaMan 13 years ago

I think This Darjeeling is a decent bagged tea.

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2977 tasting notes

Taken black, it’s a great anTEAdote to all the aforementioned sugary treats.

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639 tasting notes

I’m not sure why this tea appears twice on Steepster, so I’m just going to post the same review under both of them.

I first tried a bagged Darjeeling tea from Lupicia. It was a Second Flush and pretty light. I probably watered it down too much, which I tend to do sometimes with Lupicia teas.

But this Twinings bagged version was a completely different experience, and not for the better! This wasn’t watered down at all. It created a nice brown liquor and seemed to be a normal cup of tea. I drank it straight without milk or sweetener.

It’s not the worst thing I’ve ever tasted, but I did not like its taste at all. It’s hard for me to pinpoint what it is I don’t like. I think it’s just the taste of the tea itself. It’s not that it’s bitter or astringent. It just tastes…not good.

The first sip is unassuming, average, black tea. But then it’s just yucky. I couldn’t finish my cup. But my boyfriend drank his and the rest of mine down and said, “It just tastes like tea. I don’t know what you don’t like about it.” And neither do I.

But this is not one I’d buy again. Now I want to try the Lupicia version again for further taste comparison.

Anyone know why this is called the “champagne of teas”? It does elicit the same reaction from me as champagne: Blech. I’ll give it that.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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557 tasting notes

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189 tasting notes

Aroma when Dry: Sour, bright, slight fruit, layered
After water is first poured: musty, slight sour note, earthy
At end of steep: bright, sweet-sour, slight floral
Tea liquor:
At end of steep: dark, earthy brown-red
Staple? Type yes, will look into loose leaf of this and others next
Time of day preferred: any
Taste: slight sour, tangy, astringent, then dusty. Hints of woodiness
first notes: slight sour, slight dirt and fruit, tangy
As it cools? notes mellow, sourness balances out, tea bitters slightly
Additives used (milk, honey, sugar etc)? No
Lingers? with astringency, and tang

195 °F / 90 °C 6 min, 0 sec

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