drank Tangerine Ginger by Rishi Tea
558 tasting notes

The wonderful Rabs sent me a package due to being one of the three finalists in her geek pride day give away. I must say, she has an excellent knack for packaging things. Everything was beautifully wrapped and neatly labeled. Thank you Rabs for putting on this contest, I am so excited to play the game!

After reading the instructions and noting that I must drink whatever I roll by the end of the day, I decided to try my luck.

First roll is: “1”

1 is the worst number in this game. I guess it shall be good to get it over with! (Trying to look at my bad look with a positive note). The tea to be tasted is Rishi’s Tangerine Ginger. A tisane…shoot, I could really use some caffeine as my husband and I have been running around all day and I am beat! Ah, well, thus it must be.

I’m a little scared of ginger, and these leaves smell like their is quite a bit of ginger present. But I do enjoy tangerine, and hope that this flavor comes through the strongest. Sniffing the leaves a little more, I am reminded a bit of sweet and sour chicken that was served two nights ago at the graduation party I attended. Not sure how this will play out in the wet leaves, or in the tea.

This tisane brewed up a deep crimson/blood orange color. I steeped it for 4 minutes at 205F. It smells mostly citrusy, but I’m still getting something that reminds me of chinese take out….

The taste is strong in the ginger department, almost a bit like biting into raw ginger and than following that ginger garnish with a blast of tangerine flavored hot water in the aftertaste. (Sorry if I seem to be tripping over my descriptions tonight, it’s been a long day). I don’t hate this tea, but it isn’t one I’d pick to drink again. It reminds me a bit of Teavana’s Wild Orange Blossom as far as the citrus taste goes, just add ginger to that and it would be about the same. I may try this tea iced next time, as there is enough for another large cup hot or an iced mug full. Maybe I’ll pair it with some fried rice :)

Thanks again Rabs for this fun tasting experience. I’m enjoying playing the game, and am hoping to do at least a tea a day :)

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec
Show 6 previous comments...
Meghann M 15 years ago

As it’s cooling I am getting a strong saltwater taste…like when you are slapped in the face with a wave while swimming in the ocean…eww!

AmazonV 15 years ago

ewwy! man a epic failure on your first role
as you said though the worst is over now!

Ewa 15 years ago

a natural 1 on your first roll! CRITICAL TEA FAIL.

Rabs 15 years ago

I’m so sorry — but I laughed until I cried when I saw your first roll! Oh, the tears in my eyes! I hope that you get a 10 on your next roll! (Oh how I hate that tea — I had to toss my one and only cup of it). I feel like a true DM laughing at the adversity of the players ;) I can’t stop laughing — so sorry!

Meghann M 15 years ago

@Rabs, I had my husband take a sip after I made it through half of the cup. He kept wondering why I was making faces as I was drinking the tea. He thought it was quite horrible and barely managed to swallow it. It wasn’t awful piping hot, but the colder it got it tasted like seaweed/saltwater and citrus. Not so pleasant. That was definitely a well deserved 1 tea!

Rabs 15 years ago

I went back and read my note on this — I had done it iced. Iced! I actually did make it through one cup, but it was after I watered it waaay down. Ah, the facemaking ::starts laughing again:: Remember, you’re only required to take three sips ;)

__Morgana__ 15 years ago

Ok, I’m starting to get the drift of the game… seems like each tea is coded to a number on the die, or maybe there’s more than one for each number? And you have to drink what it lands on?

Rabs 15 years ago

@__Morgana__: I think that you’ve got the gist :) There are numbered envelopes that generally have one tea in them (sometimes more). You roll the die and you have to drink the tea in the envelope. 1 is the worst and the higher the number, then the “better” the tea. If you’re lucky then there are two teas in it and you get to chose the one you have to drink that day. I’ll be publishing the rules in about a week for anyone to do their own version — I just wanna give the winners a chance to play first :)

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Meghann M 15 years ago

As it’s cooling I am getting a strong saltwater taste…like when you are slapped in the face with a wave while swimming in the ocean…eww!

AmazonV 15 years ago

ewwy! man a epic failure on your first role
as you said though the worst is over now!

Ewa 15 years ago

a natural 1 on your first roll! CRITICAL TEA FAIL.

Rabs 15 years ago

I’m so sorry — but I laughed until I cried when I saw your first roll! Oh, the tears in my eyes! I hope that you get a 10 on your next roll! (Oh how I hate that tea — I had to toss my one and only cup of it). I feel like a true DM laughing at the adversity of the players ;) I can’t stop laughing — so sorry!

Meghann M 15 years ago

@Rabs, I had my husband take a sip after I made it through half of the cup. He kept wondering why I was making faces as I was drinking the tea. He thought it was quite horrible and barely managed to swallow it. It wasn’t awful piping hot, but the colder it got it tasted like seaweed/saltwater and citrus. Not so pleasant. That was definitely a well deserved 1 tea!

Rabs 15 years ago

I went back and read my note on this — I had done it iced. Iced! I actually did make it through one cup, but it was after I watered it waaay down. Ah, the facemaking ::starts laughing again:: Remember, you’re only required to take three sips ;)

__Morgana__ 15 years ago

Ok, I’m starting to get the drift of the game… seems like each tea is coded to a number on the die, or maybe there’s more than one for each number? And you have to drink what it lands on?

Rabs 15 years ago

@__Morgana__: I think that you’ve got the gist :) There are numbered envelopes that generally have one tea in them (sometimes more). You roll the die and you have to drink the tea in the envelope. 1 is the worst and the higher the number, then the “better” the tea. If you’re lucky then there are two teas in it and you get to chose the one you have to drink that day. I’ll be publishing the rules in about a week for anyone to do their own version — I just wanna give the winners a chance to play first :)

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Live in the cornfields of IL, but not too far from the city. Expecting a baby any day now (due Oct 24 2011). Sticking to mainly herbal and low caffeine teas for now. Trying to encourage my husbands tea drinking, but he adds so much sweetner he may as well just drink diet pop. I love trying new teas, and will try any tea once.



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