Tangerine Ginger

Tea type
Fruit Herbal Blend
Citrus Essence Oil, Licorice Root, Organic Ginger, Organic Hibiscus, Organic Orange Peel, Organic Rose Hips, Organic Schizandra Berry
Citrus, Fruity, Ginger, Hibiscus, Orange, Spicy, Sweet, Tangy, Tart, Citrus Zest
Sold in
Loose Leaf, Sachet
Caffeine Free
Kosher, Organic, Vegan
Edit tea info Last updated by Mastress Alita
Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 45 sec 11 oz / 325 ml

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23 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Want more tea, don’t need the caffeine, having something herbal. Herbals have such big chunks that it seems they can be less than consistent, especially when making smaller batches. Sometimes...” Read full tasting note
  • “The wonderful Rabs sent me a package due to being one of the three finalists in her geek pride day give away. I must say, she has an excellent knack for packaging things. Everything was...” Read full tasting note
  • “So sorry for spamming your dashboards, everyone. I just looked, and the vast majority of tasting notes on mine, at least, are from me…. :D:D This was today’s random selection from my box of teas...” Read full tasting note
  • “Ginger AND hibiscus….two strikes right off the bat…but I’m game…maybe this will surprise me… The color is a cloudy purple…sigh… I will say the tangerine I can smell is awesome…I can also smell the...” Read full tasting note

From Rishi Tea

Tangerine Ginger combines roots, fruits and herbs to create a vibrant vitality tonic. Invigorating ginger and licorice are balanced with tart rosehips and succulent tangerine. Real citrus peels awaken the senses with rejuvenating energy that is perfectly complemented by wild-harvested adaptogenic schisandra berry.

Origin: Rishi Herb Lab

Tasting Notes: A punchy hibiscus blend with zesty, revitalizing ginger and succulent citrus.

Ingredients: Organic hibiscus flowers, organic ginger root, organic rosehips, organic licorice root, organic orange peel, organic schisandra berries, essential tangerine and orange oils.


Water Temperature: 200°F
Leaf to Water Ratio: 1 tablespoon per 8 ounces
Steep Time: 5 minutes

About Rishi Tea View company

Rishi Tea specializes in sourcing the most rarefied teas and botanical ingredients from exotic origins around the globe. This forms a palette from which we craft original blends inspired by equal parts ancient herbal wisdom and modern culinary innovation. Discover new tastes and join us on our journey to leave ‘No Leaf Unturned’.

23 Tasting Notes

911 tasting notes

Want more tea, don’t need the caffeine, having something herbal. Herbals have such big chunks that it seems they can be less than consistent, especially when making smaller batches. Sometimes this one gives me a good citrus taste. Sometimes, I get more hibiscus. Always I get ginger though so that’s nice. But I think I prefer to make this is larger batches because then the tangerine bit is more noticeable, the hibiscus less. When the hibiscus is not strong, it adds a nice tartness that couples with the citrus to make a good tangerine taste. When the hibiscus is strong, it just makes my sinuses feel stuffy. Anyway, I made two big cups so I’m having a nice experience with this one tonight. Not overwhelmed by tart. Makes me want to up the rating. Which I’m not going to do because it will start to be somewhat yo-yo-like since I think the last time I had it I dropped the rating (small, hibiscus-laden batch).

By the way, finally got my tea pantry all straight again. It’s absurd. http://bit.ly/bnWuYU

Boiling 4 min, 30 sec

Wow…yours outdoes mine by half! Now I don’t feel quite so bad about ordering more tea… >.>


Yes, order more tea! Help me feel less absurd! (I always look through takgoti’s cupboard on here to feel less nuts about my tea levels).


Oh, wow. That is impressive! So organized, too!


Wow, what a great selection! Is that basket in the corner the one that the Golden Moon sampler is in? I just ordered it last Thurday—can’t wait for it to arrive!


Erin, thanks! I wish I could say it always looks that neat but I had just straightened it up – too much of it was on the kitchen table!
Stephani, it is indeed! Even though most of the GM sampler is gone, the basket is great to collect other samples!




Haha, wow it’s really grown since the last time I’ve seen it. Looks amazing though =]


Haha! Thanks Jacqueline and Ricky!


I love your tins, too (on the right and the copper one on the left)… so pretty!

I ♥ NewYorkCiTEA

I want your tea pantry!


Lauren, the copper one on the left (on top of the purple Bolder Breakfast) is a Tao of Tea tins from one of their special edition teas. The other copper ones are all Samovar tins. The tins on the right – if you mean the purple and pink washi tins, I got those on eBay from japanesqueaccents (though they don’t have anything for sale right now). I have a blue one floating around somewhere too (hidden on the left).
Chrine, hah! Well, if you are ever in the area, I’ll let you meander through it and we can have a tea party. :)

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558 tasting notes

The wonderful Rabs sent me a package due to being one of the three finalists in her geek pride day give away. I must say, she has an excellent knack for packaging things. Everything was beautifully wrapped and neatly labeled. Thank you Rabs for putting on this contest, I am so excited to play the game!

After reading the instructions and noting that I must drink whatever I roll by the end of the day, I decided to try my luck.

First roll is: “1”

1 is the worst number in this game. I guess it shall be good to get it over with! (Trying to look at my bad look with a positive note). The tea to be tasted is Rishi’s Tangerine Ginger. A tisane…shoot, I could really use some caffeine as my husband and I have been running around all day and I am beat! Ah, well, thus it must be.

I’m a little scared of ginger, and these leaves smell like their is quite a bit of ginger present. But I do enjoy tangerine, and hope that this flavor comes through the strongest. Sniffing the leaves a little more, I am reminded a bit of sweet and sour chicken that was served two nights ago at the graduation party I attended. Not sure how this will play out in the wet leaves, or in the tea.

This tisane brewed up a deep crimson/blood orange color. I steeped it for 4 minutes at 205F. It smells mostly citrusy, but I’m still getting something that reminds me of chinese take out….

The taste is strong in the ginger department, almost a bit like biting into raw ginger and than following that ginger garnish with a blast of tangerine flavored hot water in the aftertaste. (Sorry if I seem to be tripping over my descriptions tonight, it’s been a long day). I don’t hate this tea, but it isn’t one I’d pick to drink again. It reminds me a bit of Teavana’s Wild Orange Blossom as far as the citrus taste goes, just add ginger to that and it would be about the same. I may try this tea iced next time, as there is enough for another large cup hot or an iced mug full. Maybe I’ll pair it with some fried rice :)

Thanks again Rabs for this fun tasting experience. I’m enjoying playing the game, and am hoping to do at least a tea a day :)

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec
Meghann M

As it’s cooling I am getting a strong saltwater taste…like when you are slapped in the face with a wave while swimming in the ocean…eww!


ewwy! man a epic failure on your first role
as you said though the worst is over now!


a natural 1 on your first roll! CRITICAL TEA FAIL.


I’m so sorry — but I laughed until I cried when I saw your first roll! Oh, the tears in my eyes! I hope that you get a 10 on your next roll! (Oh how I hate that tea — I had to toss my one and only cup of it). I feel like a true DM laughing at the adversity of the players ;) I can’t stop laughing — so sorry!

Meghann M

@Rabs, I had my husband take a sip after I made it through half of the cup. He kept wondering why I was making faces as I was drinking the tea. He thought it was quite horrible and barely managed to swallow it. It wasn’t awful piping hot, but the colder it got it tasted like seaweed/saltwater and citrus. Not so pleasant. That was definitely a well deserved 1 tea!


I went back and read my note on this — I had done it iced. Iced! I actually did make it through one cup, but it was after I watered it waaay down. Ah, the facemaking ::starts laughing again:: Remember, you’re only required to take three sips ;)


Ok, I’m starting to get the drift of the game… seems like each tea is coded to a number on the die, or maybe there’s more than one for each number? And you have to drink what it lands on?


@__Morgana__: I think that you’ve got the gist :) There are numbered envelopes that generally have one tea in them (sometimes more). You roll the die and you have to drink the tea in the envelope. 1 is the worst and the higher the number, then the “better” the tea. If you’re lucky then there are two teas in it and you get to chose the one you have to drink that day. I’ll be publishing the rules in about a week for anyone to do their own version — I just wanna give the winners a chance to play first :)

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6107 tasting notes

So sorry for spamming your dashboards, everyone. I just looked, and the vast majority of tasting notes on mine, at least, are from me…. :D:D

This was today’s random selection from my box of teas from LiberTEAS! Thank you!

The dry tea smelled sharply of ginger, and unlike DavidsTea’s Strawberry Ginger, I wasn’t getting a weird artificial smell from it, which was good. I also smelled citrus, although can no longer remember how strong it was, nor exactly what citrus fruit it reminded me of, and there was only a 1-cup sample packet so I used it all (although it sure looked like there was enough for more than one, the packet instructions indicate to use the whole package for 8oz. of boiling water).

Watching the colour changes as this one steeped was interesting – started off green, then turned pinkish, before settling into a deep pinkish purple colour. Although the instructions indicated a 5-minute infusion, after 4 minutes I took out the teaball as I was fairly certain it was strong enough…

Holy doodles. Strong enough can’t accurately describe what I just tasted. Uh… I think I need to water it down :| Major hibiscus alert too – so tart!

Hmm, too lazy to get more water. Small sips it is!

I forgot to mention how it smells. The aroma is gingery, and strangely, if I poke my nose into the cup it’s almost a bit sour. We’re gonna blame the hibiscus here. I can definitely taste ginger, which is lovely, but there are a host of other weird, strong flavours in there, mixed with incredible tartness and a strange sweet lingering taste in the mouth. Silly girl, when will you learn to trust your instincts and remove the teaball according to smell/sight and not timer? I must say though, I don’t think that this one would be improved a great deal by decreasing the amount of dry tisane used or the infusion time. Definitely not a tea for me. We’ll see if I make it through the cup (doubtful, given the plethora of deliciousness surrounding me).

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

Haha, after typing ‘too lazy to get more water’, I considered tacking it onto a bathroom trip (which are VERY frequent right now). Which reminded me of comments on (Ninavampi??)’s post where K S talked about combining trips to the kitchen and bathroom and minimizing footsteps… and I was amused at myself :P

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6768 tasting notes

Ginger AND hibiscus….two strikes right off the bat…but I’m game…maybe this will surprise me…

The color is a cloudy purple…sigh…

I will say the tangerine I can smell is awesome…I can also smell the ginger tho and it’s interrupting my love affair with the tangerine! ah-well…

Tangerine was the first thing I could taste and it was good but interrupted by the tart hibiscus and then I had a rush of ginger that was very gingery/peppery-hot…sigh… then it went back to the hibiscus. I will say this isn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be but it’s not something I would buy for myself. I am glad I got to try it tho. The tangerine – what I could taste of it – was great. If this didn’t have the hibiscus in it I would totally get past the ginger grimace :X


Okay, even I’m kinda weirded out by the ginger here.

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251 tasting notes

i seriously think they need to rename this one to Ginger Tangerine. This is definitely ginger. Not the sweet pickled sushi ginger kind of vibe. This is the hot, I ate too many ginger altoids kind of ginger. (I must admit that I do that. I love ginger.) It has a nice hot ginger aftertaste that lingers. I think this would be a great tea to drink for a sore throat or an upset stomach. I’ve been having my spring time (Florida) allergy attacks, and this is clearing up everything beautifully. While this blend does have hibiscus and licorice in it, they are overpowered by the ginger. I do taste some citrus notes, but they don’t have the same punch as the ginger.

Just in case you weren’t sure about the ginger, the fact that the word ginger appears in this review 11 times should be a clue.


I think my husband would like this one – he loves ginger! I make him ginger beer in the summer (basically – in a blender – ginger lime juice and water – it’s STRONG!!!)


I’m a big ginger fan, but certain companies can really mess up a ginger blend tea. I’m glad this one ranked so high…even with the hibiscus. Ugh.

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2816 tasting notes

It’s a herbal tea kind of afternoon here, rainy outside…

This came in a gift basket and I was pretty leery of it. Anything with hibiscus in it is not going to be a favorite of mine. I like the ginger and the orange flavor but it is definitely on the tart side. I do not think I would buy this for myself but I did not hate it quite as much as some of the other reviewers.

185 °F / 85 °C 3 min, 0 sec

Hibiscus tends to be overdone in blends…….so I’m not a fan of it either.

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127 tasting notes

I cold brewed this in the fridge, and… WOW, the ginger was strong. It was like GINGER and hibiscus. Theoretically there are other flavors in there, but prepared that way, that’s all I could taste. I couldn’t finish the glass. Yuck.

Drinkable when hot, so I’m only sliding the rating a touch. Still… I’m kinda glad that I finished the package of this one.

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371 tasting notes

I’m getting angry this evening and this poor cold brewed iced tea’s gonna take the brunt of that anger. This is gingery-hibiscus hell. I had a few other zingers that I’d typed and then erased since I think that they went too far. I’ll just say that this is definitely not the tea for me. I’ll never repurchase it and am glad that it’s a small packet.

I poured myself a big glass and it was very intense. So I added more cold water to the pitcher hoping that it’ll calm things down a bit. I’ll find out later tonight. I guess that there’s more stuff in this tea than ginger and hibiscus, but that’s all I’m getting atm. Ick. GA

ETA: Tossed my first cup 1/3 of the way through. I’m getting the feeling that Rishi doesn’t go for subtle when it comes to their herbals. Drank the entire “somewhat mellowed” cup but then tossed the rest of the pitcher. What a sad waste of good water.


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51 tasting notes

So my most recent experience with this tisane seems to go against what others have said on here. I’m a big ginger fan, and I just felt overwhelmed by the zesty tartness of the berries, hibiscus, and rosehips. I feel like I can taste the ginger if I imagine really hard.

That said, Auggy makes a very good point about these herbal infusions tending to be inconsistent. I’m thinking that the second infusion may give me a little more ginger flavor as the zingy flavors in these types of infusions usually fade out after the first steeping.

Anyone remember Lemon Zinger? This reminds me of a “fancier” version of that. In a tin :)

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813 tasting notes

purple. and smells like ginger! but just tastes mostly like hibiscus. might be pretty good iced? idk. i only have one cups worth left, and it’ll probably be a long while till i get it again.

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