Yay, we have a winner. I really like this one. It reminds be a bit of Checkmate from Davids – but this is a better version of that.
This is a very nice chocolate vanilla tea.
I don’t have a lot to say about it. It’s not complex, it doesn’t try to be a lot of things. This is just a really nice chocolate dessert tea. I like it.
Thank you VariaTEA for this sample.
OMGsrsly actually sent this my way so she is the source of this tasty tea :). I am glad there is finally one you liked.
I got it from Cavo, who I think maybe got it from Sil. Haha. The tea has travelled well! I quite like this one too.
LOL it’s like a traveling tea box, except it’s just a single tea. This sample ends here- I’m drinking the last of it right now. Thanks to everyone who passed it along.
Well thank you for sharing :). I have one cup worth left and the rest I sent to Dex. I wanted to make sure that I liked the tea and that is why I enjoyed it as opposed to just being excited about it
Hahah. I love how this got around. I think Sil and I shared an order from the Steape Shoppe and then passed things along in various swaps. :P I didn’t care for this one as much, but I’m happy you guys did! For me, the cinnamon swirl bread was THE tea from them, and nothing could compare to it.
You keep track? Jeepers. I should do that. It’s out of control now, I’m so surprised I’ve yet to give someone duplicates. Or, maybe I have?
I had been keeping track, then I got caught up in the swapping craze. :) Spreadsheets, MissB. Spreadsheets.
OMGsrsly actually sent this my way so she is the source of this tasty tea :). I am glad there is finally one you liked.
ohh I want to try this!!
I got it from Cavo, who I think maybe got it from Sil. Haha. The tea has travelled well! I quite like this one too.
LOL it’s like a traveling tea box, except it’s just a single tea. This sample ends here- I’m drinking the last of it right now. Thanks to everyone who passed it along.
Haha. It has just slowly been dwindled so all of steepster could give it a try.
I got an almost full tin, and shared it around. :)
Well thank you for sharing :). I have one cup worth left and the rest I sent to Dex. I wanted to make sure that I liked the tea and that is why I enjoyed it as opposed to just being excited about it
This one is good stuff! :)
Wish I could’ve tried this!
Hahah. I love how this got around. I think Sil and I shared an order from the Steape Shoppe and then passed things along in various swaps. :P I didn’t care for this one as much, but I’m happy you guys did! For me, the cinnamon swirl bread was THE tea from them, and nothing could compare to it.
So funny! OMGsrsly gave me some too, so now I just have to try it. Such a lineage, this tea!
Oh, awesome! I hadn’t kept track of what I was sending people for a while there. :)
You keep track? Jeepers. I should do that. It’s out of control now, I’m so surprised I’ve yet to give someone duplicates. Or, maybe I have?
I had been keeping track, then I got caught up in the swapping craze. :) Spreadsheets, MissB. Spreadsheets.
Ah! Better checkmate! That must be really good!