48 Tasting Notes
One of my favorite teas I’ve had. This tea starts out with a nice buttery and light popcorn taste. Not to mention it fills the room with those flavors almost the whole time. Very pleasant, no incense needed with this. Over time it expands out to include toast, rice and root vegetable flavors. Very smooth on the sip and swallow. Highly recommended.
Flavors: Butter, Popcorn, Rice, Toasty, Vegetables
Got a small 5g sample of this in a larger order.
1st-2nd Steep: I get some notes of wood, charcoal and less so honey on the swallow.
3rd-5th Steep: Some flavor of root vegetables come in. Particularly carrot.
6th-9th Steep: The sweetness comes back stronger and the charcoal gets more fiery.
10th & Beyond: Stays similar and slowly fades out.
Good solid tea and highly recommended.
Flavors: Carrot, Char, Honey, Wood
The dry leaves smell of muffins and marshmallows. The wet leaves give a nice cherry fragrance to the room. The first couple steeps had little to offer. However it opened up in a big way on the 3rd. Its a very pleasant natural sweetness. Reminds me a lot of marshmallows and baked goods. The black tea taste doesn’t come through much at all. Its all strong sakura flavor here. My brother said it got so strong after a bit it turned his stomach. That didn’t happen to me but something to note.
I do recommend this tea. Nothing else like it.
Flavors: Bread, Cherry, Floral, Marshmallow, Sweet
The dry leaves smell like sweet cake.
1st Steep: I get a taste that reminds me of a sweet green tea with some hay mixed in.
2nd Steep: Turned bitter and very dry. Lost most of its taste.
3rd Steep: The sweetness comes back some and gets a bite to it that lingers in your mouth afterwards
4th Steep & beyond: The bite disappears and the hay and grass tastes take over the remainder of my session.
Overall not to my taste. Its interesting so I still recommend it.
Flavors: Biting, Bitter, Cake, Grass, Green, Hay, Sweet
I didn’t get much out of this throughout my steeps. I went around 8 deep and only got this bland malty and wood taste. Nothing changed at all really other then it got much, much more drying on the palate. Got nothing else to say about it. Boring and not interesting.
Flavors: Dark Wood, Drying, Malt
The dry leaves smell like fruit punch and the brew matches up. Heavy hints of strawberry and apple appear in the brew. Sweetness lingers in the mouth after. A bit of peach appears around steep 3. Lasted about 7 steeps before it bottomed out and heavy astringency set in.
Body is on the thin side as others have mentioned. I don’t personally think that’s a bad thing.
I do recommend this tea. Might get even better with age.
Flavors: Apple Candy, Fruity, Strawberry
For the record I have never tried the lychee berry but to me it smelled exactly like hops when I opened the bag.
1st Steep: Very fruity, not surprising. But it tastes a ton like hops to me. That must be what the berry tastes like I guess? Extremely strong and almost sour like.
2nd-3rd Steep: The brew darkens some in both taste and look. Becomes smooth and loses the strong sour taste. The fruitiness gets toned down a touch but is still there. Making it much easier to swallow. I get a bit of a… roasted type flavor, maybe on the nutty side that sets it off. Very nice.
4th and Beyond: Seemed to lose its flavor fast but kept a nice smooth taste. I went about 8 deep.
Overall I do recommend it as its a very unique and interesting tea. Personally not my favorite combo of flavors but am very happy I bought it. I feel like this would be love it or hate it for most people.
Flavors: Fruity, Hops, Lychee, Roasted Nuts, Smooth, Sour
Glad you liked it! It is also commonly brewed longer (3-5 minutes), so that might be worth a shot. Interesting that you found it sour as I have never experienced that!
Autumn 2017 harvest
Dry Leaves: They smell of honey dew. Really an unexpectedly amazing smell.
1st-3rd Steep: The wet leaves smell of malt and brown sugar. The 1st steep has a malty flavor matching the smell.
4th-6th Steep: It opens up some more and gets a sweeter flavor. The sweetness is vegetable like. Think carrots or sweet potatoes.
7th & Beyond: I went 10 deep and still had plenty of flavor with no astringency.
Not sure if I can recommend it or not. Fairly interesting tea. But I’ll leave that field blank.
Flavors: Brown Sugar, Carrot, Honeydew, Malt, Sweet Potatoes
Spring 2017 Harvest. Brewed this gongfu style.
1st-2nd Steep: I get a light buttery and vegetal flavor.
3rd & Beyond: The taste of green beans pop out and it gets a bit astringent. I went 8 deep and didn’t get much out of this.
Its an alright tea. Much better stuff out there. Maybe I will give it another shot soon in a different configuration.
Flavors: Butter, Green, Green Beans, Vegetal
- Update 3/19/18: After having this a few more times I am boosting this from an 84 to a 90. This is surprisingly becoming a favorite of mine. -
These come in individual bags of 8g which I like. The leaves when opened look and smell very fresh. I am not super into green teas usually but this one is just so fresh I enjoyed it. So maybe I am just picky rather then outright not liking them.
1st-2nd Steep: It starts with a very light sweet and smooth taste with a fairly bright yellow/gold liquid. The wet leaves smell beautiful.
3rd-6th Steep: The sweet taste became stronger and a bit of a dry feeling appeared. I get a sort of fruity and flowery aftertaste that’s pleasant.
7th and Beyond: A slight astringency started to appear. I went 10 deep before stopping and the sweet taste was still around.
Extremely fresh stuff. I highly recommend it.
Flavors: Drying, Fruit Tree Flowers, Smooth, Sweet