drank Candy Cane by The TeaCupany
1447 tasting notes

Thanks KellyxLee for sending some of this along!

This is a great mint black tea. It’s fresh. Yet, it also has this almost buttery quality. I’m impressed with this one. Kelly sent me a bunch of samples from TeaCupany so we shall see if I’m impressed enough to place my own order.

Also, I’ve been writing a paper all day, and I just remembered I have a physics reflection due at midnight, but of course I would leave my physics textbook at school. Errg. I contemplated driving down to school, but there’s a line. I have spent many a Saturday, Sunday, and holiday at school, but I just can’t bring myself to drive down there at this hour.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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I love black tea and this is usually what’s in my mug. I’m also happy to enjoy a cup of green or red rooibos (green preferable to red), herbals, oolongs (unroasted/green and red preferable to roasted), whites, and subtly flavoured greens (mango or pineapple, yum!).

Raspberry, strawberry, peach, rhubarb, passionfruit, blackcurrant, redcurrant, fig, and most fruits in general, maple, creaminess, hay, biscuit, lavender, and cacao/dark chocolate.

I enjoy bergamot when paired with flavours that mellow it (Camellia Sinensis Earl Grey Cream is one of my favourites).

Any smokiness at all, stevia, too much blackberry leaf, rose, jasmine, ginger (except in chai), cinnamon-heavy teas, anything cloying or fake/candy-like.

I’m vegan with an allergy to potatoes, so I avoid any animal products in tea, along with sprinkles as these often have potato starch (I usually just pick them out of blends).


Last updated January 2023.



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