drank Ruby Pie by Butiki Teas
1444 tasting notes

I’m going to start this with a story about my day – feel free to skip right ahead to notes on this tea at the bottom if you’d like :)

I spent the majority of last night extremely sick and slept away most of my night on the bathroom floor. This really did not make for a great start to my Monday morning. I barely dragged myself out of the bed I had somehow managed to get into at some point, and I ended up missing my first class. The class with the most terrifying prof with intense information overload each and every class. Delightful. I did make it for my next class, thank goodness. I also had the foresight to bring Bangkok in my Timolino today – favourite tea comfort, and ginger for the upset stomach. Mondays are my longest day, where classes run from 9-7:30p with one 1 hour break. So I endured all but one of my classes today with a horribly upset stomach and running on little sleep. When I did finally arrive back home there was a tea parcel waiting for me, and this just seemed to make it all better – so thank you Cavovorax, and the speedy postal service, for brightening my day.

This was one in the package from Cavovorax. I have tried this one before and it just didn’t quite work out the first time. This time is going much better. I really do love rhubarb – almost as much as my love for watermelon and pumpkin. I don’t consume nearly as much or enough of it since I left home. I really should’ve brought my Mom with me to bake me rhubarb goodies. Why didn’t I have the foresight for that… Okay, back to this tea. I’m much happier this time around with it, and I’m even more thrilled it went into my Butiki order yesterday. I may try the resteep with a touch of sugar like is suggested. Yum!

I’m having the second resteep tonight and it is quite delicious. I’m even more excited about my Butiki order now.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

Hope you have a better day tomorrow and are feeling better!


Yikes! I hope tomorrow is better! I’ve been thinking of strawberry rhubarb pie all day.


Oh man, Mondays are hard enough without a full schedule and an upset stomach. Hope you’re feeling better!


I hope you feel better!

Aimee Popovacki

yuck! feel better!


Thanks guys :)


Uggh, I hate nights like that and hope you feel better soon. And good for you for plowing on through the day anyway! so not what I’d do, I don’t think. I’m weak though LOL.


Oh, that sounds horrible! Congrats to making it through all those classes, and I hope you’re feeling better.


Thanks! I had a much better day today :)

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Hope you have a better day tomorrow and are feeling better!


Yikes! I hope tomorrow is better! I’ve been thinking of strawberry rhubarb pie all day.


Oh man, Mondays are hard enough without a full schedule and an upset stomach. Hope you’re feeling better!


I hope you feel better!

Aimee Popovacki

yuck! feel better!


Thanks guys :)


Uggh, I hate nights like that and hope you feel better soon. And good for you for plowing on through the day anyway! so not what I’d do, I don’t think. I’m weak though LOL.


Oh, that sounds horrible! Congrats to making it through all those classes, and I hope you’re feeling better.


Thanks! I had a much better day today :)

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I love black tea and this is usually what’s in my mug. I’m also happy to enjoy a cup of green or red rooibos (green preferable to red), herbals, oolongs (unroasted/green and red preferable to roasted), whites, and subtly flavoured greens (mango or pineapple, yum!).

Raspberry, strawberry, peach, rhubarb, passionfruit, blackcurrant, redcurrant, fig, and most fruits in general, maple, creaminess, hay, biscuit, lavender, and cacao/dark chocolate.

I enjoy bergamot when paired with flavours that mellow it (Camellia Sinensis Earl Grey Cream is one of my favourites).

Any smokiness at all, stevia, too much blackberry leaf, rose, jasmine, ginger (except in chai), cinnamon-heavy teas, anything cloying or fake/candy-like.

I’m vegan with an allergy to potatoes, so I avoid any animal products in tea, along with sprinkles as these often have potato starch (I usually just pick them out of blends).


Last updated January 2023.



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