I was a little worried since the girl at my normal store said this tasted like burnt toast but I found a store that had it and got 20g anyway. I was actually pleasantly surprised. I love genmaicha and this was slightly roastier and toastier than the genmaicha, but certainly not bad by any means.

Overall I think I’d prefer the genmaicha but I could see myself purchasing this in smaller amounts to enjoy.

Aimee Popovacki

see, i had the guy at david’s tell me this one was more grassy, kind of sweeter and when i smelled it i got that from the smell and it turned me right off of it… i love the genmaicha.

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Aimee Popovacki

see, i had the guy at david’s tell me this one was more grassy, kind of sweeter and when i smelled it i got that from the smell and it turned me right off of it… i love the genmaicha.

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I love black tea and this is usually what’s in my mug. I’m also happy to enjoy a cup of green or red rooibos (green preferable to red), herbals, oolongs (unroasted/green and red preferable to roasted), whites, and subtly flavoured greens (mango or pineapple, yum!).

Raspberry, strawberry, peach, rhubarb, passionfruit, blackcurrant, redcurrant, fig, and most fruits in general, maple, creaminess, hay, biscuit, lavender, and cacao/dark chocolate.

I enjoy bergamot when paired with flavours that mellow it (Camellia Sinensis Earl Grey Cream is one of my favourites).

Any smokiness at all, stevia, too much blackberry leaf, rose, jasmine, ginger (except in chai), cinnamon-heavy teas, anything cloying or fake/candy-like.

I’m vegan with an allergy to potatoes, so I avoid any animal products in tea, along with sprinkles as these often have potato starch (I usually just pick them out of blends).


Last updated January 2023.



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