Continuing working through my old B&B packets. This looks to have no flavoring added, so I think the honey part is meant to come from the chamomile. I do enjoy chamomile, luckily.
I really should have used a disposable tea bag for this… Chamomile is the only thing that gets stuck in my Finum brew basket, and it’s such a pain to clean out. Oh well, lessons learned.
This is fine and pleasant enough, but nothing special. I mostly taste the chamomile, then a little bit of honeybush and rooibos. Really, I would prefer to just drink plain chamomile as I don’t feel the base adds much here. As far as the nettle, I have no idea what that tastes like so can’t comment on its effect.
Pleasant, but definitely not something I need.
Flavors: Floral, Honey, Smooth, Sweet, Wood
I’ve used these ones for years for chamomile and every so often, rooibos:
Luckily I have a little stockpile, because they always send them in Sips By boxes and sometimes Bird & Blend as well. I never use them but I keep them in my tea accessory drawer. :P
I’ve used these ones for years for chamomile and every so often, rooibos:
Luckily I have a little stockpile, because they always send them in Sips By boxes and sometimes Bird & Blend as well. I never use them but I keep them in my tea accessory drawer. :P
Haha, there you go!