drank Coffee Pu'erh by DAVIDsTEA
41 tasting notes

Ha! That’s it! I always tend to oversteep my teas. This time I’ve tried this again for no more than 4 minutes and that’s the key! The pu’erh earthy taste is very subtle now, I mostly get coffee and a hint of vanilla, much much better!

Flavors: Coffee, Vanilla


Hahaha, I used to do that too, and once I realized it, there was such an incredible difference.


Yes, I thought black teas were quite forgiving with steeping times but not this one apparently… Now it tastes a lot more like a coffee crisp :)

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Hahaha, I used to do that too, and once I realized it, there was such an incredible difference.


Yes, I thought black teas were quite forgiving with steeping times but not this one apparently… Now it tastes a lot more like a coffee crisp :)

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I love tea!! Especially strong British style black teas and I’m starting to get into oolongs and rooibos :) And when a good cup is paired with a good book, life is good!

100: this tea blows my mind
95: a staple in my cupboard
80: very good, I might buy it once or twice again
75: good but I probably won’t buy again
70: average
below 70: undrinkable



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