Following 11 Tea Drinkers

LuYulovedPu 12 followers

J’aime le thé. Simplement. I love tea. It is as simple as this.

Ost 245 followers

I’m not too sharp with intros, but I figured it is about time to give it a go...

Kittenna 634 followers

I have always been a tea fan (primarily herbals and Japanese greens/oolongs) ...

Rena Sherwood 29 followers

Lived in Pennsylvania until I was 29, ran away to live in the woods in Englan...

Frolic 173 followers

I’m a long time tea addict since my british grandma started me on english bre...

Helene 25 followers

Food – Travel – Photography I love teas and want to learn. That’s why I joine...

The Teaguy 29 followers

Currently looking for people of Steepster to review our teas. :) Our chief Te...

Sil 581 followers

So no real clue what to write about myself here. A friend got me into drinki...

Maddy Barone 108 followers

I love cats. I love alone time. I love sitting indoors on a cold winter night...



I love tea!! Especially strong British style black teas and I’m starting to get into oolongs and rooibos :) And when a good cup is paired with a good book, life is good!

100: this tea blows my mind
95: a staple in my cupboard
80: very good, I might buy it once or twice again
75: good but I probably won’t buy again
70: average
below 70: undrinkable



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