drank Lapsang Souchong by TenFu's Tea
695 tasting notes

Steeped 5 minutes in one-mug infuser.

It is worth noting that this tin was found in storage and shows a date from 4 years ago. This may be an expiration date so it is possible that the tea is even older than that.

This is the un-smoked version of Lapsang Souchong.
I did find it a delightful blend even if it is technically out of date range.

The bouquet is sweet tea leaves, taste starts with a base of earthiness (perhaps it is old?) but with a sweet cereal consistency like honey wheat.

This sweetness is very subtle and light, but adds to this already golden delicate tea. With this delicate body is no shortage of flavor, and I think the loose leaves would stand up to a second infusion with slightly longer steep time.

I would recommend this tea as a great Chinese classic. Interested to try other variants and possibly from a fresher source but I was surprised with this one.

Flavors: Earth, Sweet, Wheat

190 °F / 87 °C 5 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 11 OZ / 325 ML

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My rating system is in honor of K.S.

90-100 Stellar, to be displayed proudly if shared with guests. Or just a tea that hits its mark well.
80-90 I enjoy this tea a lot, would purchase and drink it. Fine if it lives in the pantry
70-80 Above Average, would drink it and probably still buy if the mood struck me.
50-70 Average, I would still drink it when available.
0-50 I don’t care for this tea, and have no desire to care for it.



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