138 Tasting Notes


SO.. this is the next oolong. I decided to wait a bit before posting a tasting note. I had the “lightly” roster by itself and then had the “slightly” and the “lightly” together side by side. This roast is a little nuttier. Having them side by side I would say that this coats your mouth more, but the light roast is very buttery compared to this . I am drinking it by itself now and I getting a little different experience now. I will say that this is a great oolong. I just think I ruined the experience a little with it by not tasting it by itself. I only used a little of the sampler that I bought, and it keeps going and going. For oolong David has the best oolong hands down…:)

Boiling 0 min, 30 sec

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Having a cup of this tonight. After drinking this a lot lately I have realized that I like this chai when I want something light.
I have this chai,Samovar’s Chai, and Yogic’s Chai. To me both the Samovar and Yogic chai beg to have a little milk or almond milk to it. While this chai I think is best with nothing added. I have tried it with milk,almond milk, soy milk, and coconut milk. I love it plain…

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Wow…David at Asha Tea House always delivers on the oolong. I am always amazed by the quality of oolong that he provides his customers. The dry leaf looks big and tightly rolled.I have never had a San Lin Xi Oolong before so this will be my first. So buttery! Smelling the wet leaf I could not put my finger on what else I smelled until I took a sip. Tasted like buttered cinnamon toast. I know strange…but thats what I got. Light and clean.

David has done it again for me. This is just the first of the San Lin Oolong, I still have the “slightly roasted” and the “charcoal roasted” to go.

About to start the second infusion…:)

205 °F / 96 °C 1 min, 0 sec
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TeaBrat 13 years ago

I am getting the slightly roasted version soon. :)

BTVSGal 13 years ago

Yeah I ordered the sampler so I can taste all of them. Davids also included a sample of the Oriental Beauty.

ScottTeaMan 13 years ago I really have to start buying more sample packs this year, especially puerhs and oolongs.
Dinosara 13 years ago

This one is definitely going on the ol’ shopping list!

TeaBrat 13 years ago

I didn’t see the sampler option! Oh well.

Charles Thomas Draper 13 years ago

David described it as reminiscent of an illegal plant. Hmmm….

BTVSGal 13 years ago

Yeah it is a little hard to find. It’s in the private reserve section. He has been changing the site a lot these past few days.

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drank Silver Buds Yabao by Verdant Tea
138 tasting notes

So this was the tea I wanted to try the most. Mainly because I still have some of the Sun-Dried Winter Yabao still left. I wanted to put them side by side and to taste them both. Yabao is a tea that I have been trying to find out more about. I have been to the Verdant website and read everything, but there is really nothing else that I can find on the internet about the tea. Different types? Health benefits?

I put the Winter in my gaiwan and the Silver in a tasting cup. Let it begin…

The dry leaf:
Winter- cedar with some spice
Silver Buds- sweet mustard

Wet leaf:
Winter- cedar
Silver buds-floral sweetness, marshmallow,baked peach.

Winter-dark yellow
Silver buds-Clear

1st steep:5mins, 2nd steep:10min, 3rd steep:20mins

Winter: woody and light, became sweet through the steeps.
Silver buds: marshmallow sweetness, became more floral after each steep.

I like them both, but the Silver Buds was the one that I would give to someone that is not a tea drinker and I wanted to show them something new and complex. I loved it! I ordered 2oz of the silver buds and Im glad that I did.

To bad I can’t add a picture of my tasting…:)

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TeaBrat 13 years ago

I am scared of this one for some reason!

ScottTeaMan 13 years ago

I can’t wait to try it.

ScottTeaMan 13 years ago

I read something of pine needles in the description Amy! Don’t be scared of the pine neeedles…….EMBRACE the pine needles.:))

BTVSGal 13 years ago

yeah..I though it was strange that I smelled mustard, but thats what I got…:)

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drank Songyang White by Verdant Tea
138 tasting notes

I just received my package today although it was "delivered"on the 29th, my apartment complex held it in the office.
I asked for a sample of this tea because I thought " why not sample both of the whites Verdant has to offer?" The jasmine Yunnan was great so I asked for this, this time.

Hmm.. I went on Verdant’s website to see what temp I should boil this at. I usually do it at 185, but the site said boiling and to use a tablespoon of tea. Instead of using my gaiwan I decided to go for the tasting cup instead.
I brewed it for about a min. It had a nice yellow color. The wet leaf had some floral notes, but I really could not smell more then that. The taste for me was even a little harder to make out. It was sweet at first then a little bitter. It had a floral note but there was something more.
After reading both of the tasting notes that were on here, I think I am going to try again with a lower temp. Maybe 175?
I will come back to this….

175 °F / 79 °C 0 min, 15 sec
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Charles Thomas Draper 13 years ago

I have this coming too as a sample….

TeaBrat 13 years ago

It wasn’t a huge hit with me but you need to play around with it, I think

BTVSGal 13 years ago

Yes the sample was big enough for me to get maybe three tastings. So one down 2 more to go. I continued steeping the 1st though. I did it at 185…less bitter, but I think I just need to start fresh.

ScottTeaMan 13 years ago

I brew all my whites between 175-185.

BTVSGal 13 years ago

So I tried this again. This time I did the temp at 185 and brewed it for 20 seconds. Turned out a lot better. Crisp and clean. Tasted like creamed spinach.

Spoonvonstup 13 years ago

Creamed Spinach! definitely see that. That’s how I’ve been doing this tea… short and sweet to protect the baby leaves.

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Yum! This was the first tea that I tried from the Steepster Select box. Love the smokiness from it. It reminds me of walking into a smoke shop filled with sausages. I have to cook with this.

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 15 sec
The DJBooth 13 years ago

Yes you should. I use this to marinate chicken…beef you name it. I especially like using it for chili. Great tea!

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Drinking this and watching the season finale of Dexter. I love roasted oolongs and this will be my first experience with wood fired oolong. I like this, but I can not make out more then just coal on the first two infusions. I’m on the third and getting some nuttiness from it….
My journey continues :)

200 °F / 93 °C 1 min, 30 sec

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I forgot all about this my Verdant box. The last of the Alchemy Label Blended adventure. I bought this because I love mint. I really love mint. I used to have a mint addiction that was serious and embarrassing. So embarrassing that people I work with used to hide their Altoids from me…lol. I have since kicked the mint addiction and have been off the white powder that is peppermint Altoids. I now only drink mint in teas or in chocolate.

Anyway back to the tea. Earthiness with mint. I did not really get the raw cacao form the Autumn Laoshan Green but then again I was consumed by the mint. The fennel was a nice touch as well. The wet leaf I smelled more of the chocolate earthiness from the Laoshan Green then when I drank it.
A great tea indeed. If you like mint, it is a nice refreshing cup of tea. I drank it for dessert.

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 0 sec
nomadinjeopardy 13 years ago

I don’t usually like mint in teas, but I can’t get enough Altoids! So good.

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I like this tea. I have drank it 3 times now and it is a nice tea to go to if you just want to relax. I purchased this during the black friday sale. I’m glad that I did. Sugar snap peas with a buttery finish.

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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I’m a lover of all teas. Open to almost anything,but my favorite are oolong, black, and green. I have recently been trying to get into pu’er .

Other then tea, I’m an Apple fan girl and a fan of basketball and tennis. My favorite teams are Spurs,Celtics, Thunder, and …Lebron (LOL). I have a degree in Anthropology, which at the moment is not being used.



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