drank White Pear by Adagio Teas
176 tasting notes

I was extremely excited when I ordered this because I love pears. My first thought was that I was disappointed that there weren’t any pieces of pear mixed in with the tea. I should have stopped right there.
The tea in the tin doesn’t smell very good; kind of like hard-boiled eggs that have been laying around in some grass for a long time (think of a forgotten Easter Egg hunt).

And then there is the taste.

It tastes like nothing I’ve ever tasted before, and like something that I never want to taste ever again. It certainly doesn’t taste like pears, that’s for sure. If I had to compare it to anything, I’d say it tastes like latex and corn syrup stewed in a mug with some asparagus thrown in. It made my mouth say “ouchies.”

Never again with this one. If anyone wants to trade something for it, just Private Message me.


This tea sounds extremely unfortunate.

Meghann M

I definitely didn’t get any pear out of this either. Definitely curious how it was brewed for the one reviewer who did, but not sure I want to smell or taste it again if it’s this bad!

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This tea sounds extremely unfortunate.

Meghann M

I definitely didn’t get any pear out of this either. Definitely curious how it was brewed for the one reviewer who did, but not sure I want to smell or taste it again if it’s this bad!

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I have recently been forcibly transplanted from Princeton, New Jersey to Burleson, Texas. I’ve been recovering from culture shock ever since. When I’m not dodging scorpions and pickup trucks, I’m a college student, drummer, lover of music and animals, Harry Potter freak, and a vegetarian. I just got a job at a bookstore, which is the perfect place for somebody like me.


Burleson, TX



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