I just had to cups of this pleasant tea. I have decided that it would make a nice travelling tea as it did not get bitter when I over steeped it a little and it has very little astringency.

The leaf is mostly dark with scattered greenish gold buds and a few rust coloured leaves scattered here and there.

I steeped one teaspoon in 225ml of 95°C water. The first steep was over three minutes.

The tea brewed to a beautiful orangey red and smelled of sweet potatoes, malt cocoa, honey, soft and spicy sweet floral notes and red clover nectar.

The tea had a denser body than some Nepali teas I have had and a soft flavour. I detected notes of: honey, sweet potato, a spicy complex floral ranging from rose to spicy clover, cocoa, a light hint of muscatel, plum, cream, and malt. As it cooled it developed pastry and cherry notes.

The second steep of 3.45min. Tasted of cream, oatmeal, honey, sweet potato and malt with cherry, hints of cocoa and a spicy floral towards the end of the sip.

Altogether a nice and pleasant tea.

Fjellrev 10 years ago

Oh yeah, those are beautiful notes.

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Fjellrev 10 years ago

Oh yeah, those are beautiful notes.

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