This is quite a visually appealing tea appearing assilvery corkscrews of downy white tea that has occasional sneak previews of the spruce green blades thee leaves would of been if they had been allowed to fully open. The tea is beautiful to look at while brewing especially during the first few steeps while the tea is unwinding and the leaves appear to be dancing in the liquid while shimmering as though reflecting light.

The dry leaf smells of light roasted/ smoke insence note from processing, cucumber, something sweet and honey like, perhaps a white peach tone, and clover.

1 used about 1.5 TSP in a 150ml Taiwan and steeped the tea 8 times ( 50×2, 70, 100,140,180,240 &360s)

The first steep yielded a pale green tinged broth that had a strong floral scent of gardenia mixed with rose, and a light green scent llike sweet pea sprouts, a soft fruity plum like sweetness lay underneath.

It tasted of a green floral, over sweet plum with hint of roasted notes and a reference to sprouted sweet greens.aftertaste is a lingering sweet honey note. The flavour is light but pleasant. As it cools the green cool floral note mixes with a bit of cucumber with the more rounded sweetness remaining muted underneath.

The next two steeps were brighter and more intense with the plum tone more intense and the floral scent heading to freesia, the green sprout note and honey were still present.

The flavour was of freesia, clover, light pea sprout, cucumber, light plum, and had a more delicate sweetness. They were very floral, and slightly spicy on the tongue. There was a slightly thicker broth that developed more creaminess. Once again sweetness intensified in the aftertaste.

At 100s. the broth took on more of a yellow tone. The scent reminded me a little of a sunscreen I’ve had with freesia and a cooler green orchid, over plum, and a cream note. It was soft and floral with a touch of sweetness.

The flavour was of green sprouts, cucumber a faint hint of freesia and sweet plum.

The following steeps consisted of a blend of fading cool floral notes, cucumber and plum, with the introduction and then rapid loss of an artichoke note. By the last steep the flavour was quite faint and was more of an impression.

The finished leaves are thickened straightened buds.

This is a tea that may be appreciated by lovers of green floral Oolong’s, as it has a similar bite in the mouth and a lasting lingering floral taste.

Thanks boychik this tea is certainly beautiful to look at and I quite enjoyed it.

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TheTeaFairy 11 years ago

Beautiful review!
Lol, you and I make quite a pair… this tea reminds you of freesia sunscreen lotion, the oolong I had yesterday reminded me of Japanese Cherry Blossom hand lotion ;-)

yyz 11 years ago

;). Maybe they should add lotion and sunscreen to the flavour notes list!

TheTeaFairy 11 years ago

Haha! I can just imagine the Admin, trying to process that!

boychik 11 years ago

Great review. I should try your parameters;)

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TheTeaFairy 11 years ago

Beautiful review!
Lol, you and I make quite a pair… this tea reminds you of freesia sunscreen lotion, the oolong I had yesterday reminded me of Japanese Cherry Blossom hand lotion ;-)

yyz 11 years ago

;). Maybe they should add lotion and sunscreen to the flavour notes list!

TheTeaFairy 11 years ago

Haha! I can just imagine the Admin, trying to process that!

boychik 11 years ago

Great review. I should try your parameters;)

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