Greetings from China! Amusingly, the first tea I’m logging here is a bagged one of non-Chinese origin. I’ve visited many relatives, some of whom I haven’t seen in years, and amidst the food and chatter there has been a good quantity of tea, of course. I’m keeping a journal of the local teas I’ve tried so far, but as they would all be “unknown by unknown” on the site, I will save my notes for now and post highlights later.
This was a very decent, smooth, Ceylon-heavy breakfast blend that definitely woke me up and soothed me on a morning where I was still dealing with jetlag. It has been raining constantly for the past few days, and a hot cup of tea is just what I need. I’m looking out on the city from a loft on the 6th floor right now, and can see forested mountains in the near distance. The area I’m in is a curious juxtaposition of the natural and urban, and there is more plant life and more kinds of birds and butterflies than I’ve seen anywhere else. Looking forward to more adventures to come.