drank Earl Lavender by Samovar
411 tasting notes

While I’ve had lots of Earl Grey in my life, I’ve only had two Earl Grey’s with lavendar. The other I thought to be a little wussy – I could barely tell the lavendar was there. No so with this tea. The first thing that hits you is lavendar. And this is not your grandmother’s closet sachets. This is a strong, self assertive lavendar. This lavendar has its own tools and can change a tire by itself.

The tea used in this blend is strong and tannin-y. The lavendar knows what it wants out of life. I’m not as fond of the bergamot in the blend. My first sips were very bergamot, but it did calm down later on in the cup.

Overall, this is a very good tea, and a very robust Earl Grey. Yum.

Boiling 2 min, 30 sec

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I’ve got a lot of interests: sushi, science fiction/fantasy, medieval recreation, cooking (specifically medieval cooking), reading, British science fiction (Doctor Who!), hand sewing and now TEA!!

My favorites tend to be oolongs and flavored black teas. I like highly flavored teas more than delicate ones. Rooibos tends to taste like dirt to me, and hibiscus is very sour to my palate. But I’m always up to try all sorts of things, and will often find things that I really like which I thought I’d hate.


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