Ohhhhh, this is just so tasty! I keep forgetting that today is what Eeyore may have called a “very blustery day” but each sip of this tastes like summer. This tea came in a swap from Shadowfall and I’m so glad I got a chance to try it!
I followed her instructions and added some sugar, which totally kicked it up a notch. This really tastes like fresh watermelon. I’m not getting any of the white tea right now, but it’s not bothering me in the least!
I’m going to go cozy up to the rest of the cup now – I wrote two classroom grant requests yesterday and today, and I’m feeling a little out of words! But, if you could, cross your fingers for me, please! ;)
This is in my Butiki order, and I am dying to try it.
And fingers crossed!
Thank you!
this is a lovely blen, I remember now I have some left in a small tin…need to do it tonight.