Decaf is important. I’m grateful to have a nice, bright lemony brew to gently send me to what I hope will be a sound sleep tonight. It has to be. I’ve been nervous for so many days, and then oddly anxious this weekend, even though my scariest work is done.
Yeah, so on Friday, I got up at like 5 in the morning to rattle down to the BBC in London to interview Mark Gatiss, Peter Capaldi, and Steven Moffat. How I managed to say questions and make conversation and not just sit there slack-jawed and gibbering, I have no clue. Lovely gentlemen, all of them. Details to follow.
Amazing! I grew up with Tom Baker as my Doctor and passed my love on to my kids. Hubby caught up with us. I made my youngest daughter and the dog Tom Baker scarves, as authentic as I could get it, using the site that tells how it changed through the seasons. Two years ago, my eldest took youngest to London and they each had their photo made with a Tardis.
w00t glad it went well for you. I knew you would kick ass!
Oh man, it was terrifying and great. So great, though. Thanks! :3
Amazing! I grew up with Tom Baker as my Doctor and passed my love on to my kids. Hubby caught up with us. I made my youngest daughter and the dog Tom Baker scarves, as authentic as I could get it, using the site that tells how it changed through the seasons. Two years ago, my eldest took youngest to London and they each had their photo made with a Tardis.
Oh, and youngest loves Pertwee the best! She prefers the old Doctors!