I can’t believe it’s taken me this long to try this as a latte.
Smoky chocolate mint, only creamier. Exactly the kind of thing I want to funnel down me in huge quantities as soon as leaves start falling off the trees.
Feeling so properly autumnal now. I’ve got my arsenal of plaid flannel shirts out, and my Halloween costume’s almost ready to go (so dorky, so good). I think this is my favourite time of year. Except that time this morning somebody bashed into me turning a corner, spilling hot tea all over me, leaving a rather painful burn mark on my right boob. So grateful my shirt buttons up to cover it, as it looks a lit-tle like a bite mark…
And I’m not THAT into vampires.
hahaha awesome on the latte front, not so great on the bumping front.
For reals. I’ve still got a burn mark :( And I lost a third of my tea!