By some miracle, I don’t taste the licorice in this. I take it very hot and quite sweet, and it just tastes like cherries sprinkled with a dash of cinnamon, which is such a winning combo for me. Always pleased to find a fruit blend I can pick up in an emergency (as I only drink this when I’m under the weather, and as I have to be VERY careful about caffeine as well these days) and drink at the office. Good.

Feeling masses of professional envy today, as a big announcement about a new range of stories has been all over my feed, and all I can think is how I’m happy about it but having to suppress that nagging sense of sorrow eroding at my sense of Monday emotional well-being because WELL DAMMIT, NOBODY WANTS TO PAY ME TO WRITE ANYTHING. At this point, it kind of obliterates my motivation rather than spurring me on.

keychange 9 years ago

I’m pretty much constantly in a state of professional envy, so I do relate. Hang in there; for what it’s worth, I would pay you to write if I had the money.

Sami Kelsh 9 years ago


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keychange 9 years ago

I’m pretty much constantly in a state of professional envy, so I do relate. Hang in there; for what it’s worth, I would pay you to write if I had the money.

Sami Kelsh 9 years ago


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My Time Lord name is the Brewmaster. Currently working on People Of Who, an exhibition of portraits of the people who made Doctor Who happen. Professional dilettante. Literary enthusiast, frustrated sometime writer. Knitter of things.


Probably a small grey sofa in Oxford



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