Ok, so I admit that it would have been folly to have high hopes about this one, given that it’s a supermarket bagged tea that cost me a whopping great 99p for a box, but still. Where are the strawberries? Where’s the cream? Why am I basically getting a vague fruity aroma that doesn’t really seem to be anything in particular except, like, generic fruit?

It’s a pleasant enough taste when brewed and served iced, and I suppose worth the 99p as an emergency ration, or for circumstances away from home where you might not have the means to brew looseleaf, but feh.

I later experimented with having it warm with a few lavender buds thrown in. This made it more interesting. I’ll probably do this from now on with it, as I think it actually made the strawberry more strawberryish and less generic-berry, though I still never found those elusive suggestions of cream. Oh well.

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My Time Lord name is the Brewmaster. Currently working on People Of Who, an exhibition of portraits of the people who made Doctor Who happen. Professional dilettante. Literary enthusiast, frustrated sometime writer. Knitter of things.


Probably a small grey sofa in Oxford



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