drank Earl Grey by Morrisons
313 tasting notes

It is getting really hard for me to resist investing in more tea. I already have a ridiculously overflowing kitchen cupboard’s worth, plus a fair amount of counter space, plus two boxes of my most recent orders which don’t yet fit in the cupboard or on the counter. And yet there are gaps in my collection!

But I suppose I should find myself in sustainable employment first, right? gazes wistfully at a handful of website shopping carts

And what’s more, I keep forgetting I own stuff. Like this one, for example. It’s a decent, serviceable loose leaf earl grey. It’s not going to blow any minds, but you know what, it’s good. I tend to drink my earl greys in combination with other flavours, so I chucked in a pinch of Adagio’s raspberry and a little Irish breakfast for backbone, and yum. Good morning, universe! I’m ready to paint the cast of the Ninth Doctor’s run (happy 9th birthday, revived series of Doctor Who!) and finish a new illustration of Ian and Barbara for a tshirt. Oh and apply for a crapload of jobs too. Nothing discourages quite like “we often receive hundreds of applications” in an automated confirmation email, does it? I’m about as likely to win the lottery.

Maybe I’ll pick up a scratch ticket when I’m at the store to get toilet roll today. Ooh, there’s an idea for a diet, come to think of it: every time I plan to buy chocolate at the store (which is often) I buy the equivalent cash value in lottery tickets instead. Which is the better investment?

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec

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My Time Lord name is the Brewmaster. Currently working on People Of Who, an exhibition of portraits of the people who made Doctor Who happen. Professional dilettante. Literary enthusiast, frustrated sometime writer. Knitter of things.


Probably a small grey sofa in Oxford



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