Four is a grown-up tea that’s not afraid to be a little childish. I was met with the sweet, curranty scent of the fruits when I opened the bag first, definitely fruity but a touch more mature than an actual packet of jelly babies would have been. If anything, when brewed it’s reminiscent of that cozy, brown console room that Four was fond of hanging out in for a time. Not overly sweet on its own in spite of the presence of three kinds of fruit (which blend seamlessly and harmoniously together with the bright black tea, and, given the fruit’s respective colours, may best be reflected in the Doctor’s giant burgundy scarf) but eminently drinkable without sugar for those so inclined. For the sugarly inclined, such as I, two spoonfuls elevates it to absolute perfection. Goes down as smooth as Tom Baker’s voice, with a lightly tannic finish.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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My Time Lord name is the Brewmaster. Currently working on People Of Who, an exhibition of portraits of the people who made Doctor Who happen. Professional dilettante. Literary enthusiast, frustrated sometime writer. Knitter of things.


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